The Halo Hub
A game said to have introduced many vital and innovative changes to the FPS genre.
Best remembered for its incredibly shitty PC version netcode.
I've written a lot of dumb stuff about the game, mostly about my serious love-hate relationship with its mulit-player mode and inconsistent PC port. You can find easy access to all relevant ramblings to the game here!
General Writings
You hear it all the time, and now Galvatron and I say the same! It's not much new, really.
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 1
A mouthy pimp!
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 2
A camping trip!
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 3
A hobo-hating man!
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 4
Vulgar adult talkings! (what's new)
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 5
A man who tries too hard!
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 6
The best of!
May 2007 |
Memorable Halo Moments: Vol. 7
A dysfunctional family!
May 2007 |
Blog Entries
Quick review of a
Halo Wars Mega Bloks set.
People are actually offended by being called "fat" over the internet.
Flying cars!
Someone gets pissed when RQ87 voluntarily gives the enemy flag back.
I killed Conan.
I killed Jack Bauer.
to Random Hoo Haas