Being the risk taker I am, I was in the mood to go and camp underneath the enemy's base on Death Island. Here's how things went.
I prepared a few things for my journey before setting out.
Okay, that's a lie. I picked up ammunition for the rifle and pistol, and that's it. =(
Here's me getting in the car. Excitement awaits! (blatant lie)
And here's me arriving. Yep, I just crashed the car into the wall. I'm ultra stealthy. =D
If you don't believe me, see that guy near the pillar? He didn't even notice me. STEALTH 4 RLZ
Of course, he didn't notice me popping a bullet in his back either, so yeah.
Things were relatively uninteresting, UNTIL AN ENEMY TANK DROVE AWAY AND NEARLY NOTICED ME. But it didn't. STEALTH 4 RLZ
And another long period of boredom occurred, until this guy crashed into my car on his ghost. He didn't seem to take much notice of me taking up home here underneath the baddies' base.
So he drove up to the stupid guy.
Looked at him.
And then killed him. And he wasn't even caught. STEALTH 4 RLZ
Confident of his skills, he went over to a tank and . . .
. . . was killed by a guy in the turret. =(
And thus, an extremely long period of inactivity occurred. This is what I did to pass the time: Pistol whipping the ceiling.
Seeking excitement, I blew up the car and ghost to see if anyone would notice and come down.
No dice. Unintentional STEALTH 4 RLZ? So I went to inspect the wreckage from another angle and
[Moral: Don't go camping.]