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Monday, December 31, 2018 at 10:29 pm Comments Off on Some games I played in 2018
eyyy nothing better than updating your web browser only to find the newest version of my plugins stink and it now displays foreign language text in a needlessly bulky font, ruining my otherwise lovingly-spaced page designs. I dread to see what it’s done to the Bomberman shrine!
What’s new this month?
Scans & Bits has a bunch of stuff because I wanna see people translate this stuff already (I’LL COMMISSION), including all of the Super Princess Peach and Sonic Generations manga, plus the rest of the Sly Cooper in my possession because it got a lot of buzz for some reason.
Metal Slug: Missing in Action updated with some reader submitted bits and bobs, including hopefully more user-friendly methods of accessing Metal Slug Advance’s unused stages and debug dipswitches.
The Bomberman Shrine is just some junk I had lying around, though the Pocket Bomberman page is worth a goosey if just for its unused material, complete with .IPS patch so you can sample some of it yourself!
It’s that time again: writing thoughts about the media I gorged over the past 12 months. At this point this routine is just a formality for my ailing memory – I keep needing to remind myself, yes, I’ve beaten Star Fox Command and gotten all the endings, I can’t just keep making excuses to play it again!
Filed under Basic bloggin' Tagged mario, mega man, review, site talk, sonic, transformers, update
Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 2:25 pm Comments (1)
I’ve been buying an obscene amount of crap from Japan the past few months. Most of it is “research material” (Bomberman books, natch), but I also pick up toys, manga, magazines and other doodads; whatever I can get away with saying “it’s for the website, honest!”
Some of the most interesting buys are magazines, if just for the sheer variety of content in them. I may have bought four issues of Gamest just for the prototype Metal Slug coverage in them, but they’re full of great arcade games I’ve never even seen before. Likewise, I picked up an 1986 edition of CoroCoro Comic just for the rare City Connection manga in it, but there’s stacks of bizarre crap in it like old toy ads, Famicom Rocky, and an short-lived manga that’s never been collected anywhere else, Solar Dog Zero (太陽犬ゼãƒ). I’ve been sliiiightly tempted to track down the rest of it, but I’m juggling enough foolish endeavours as it is. (a Bomberman website, really?!?)

One of my current focuses is trying to track down all the Bomberman manga, seven of which have never been collected into volumes of any sort, so I have to track them down in the original anthologies or magazines. I picked up an issue of Dengeki Nintendo DS recently (which you’ll probably know the name of if you’re in the Pokémon scene, it’s usually plundered for screens and reveals when a new game is announced) just for the Bomberman story in it, but I was surprised by the number of game-related mangas inside, most of them I’d never even known of before! Full-page A4-sized manga, too!
I thought I’d look them up and see how many are catalogued or even recognised on English fansites. Doing so only made me angry. There’s nada! Not a blip of information on most of ’em! It’s like they don’t even exist! (which is a bit understandable when only one of them got a collected edition) So just for a larf, I want to spotlight the manga in Dengeki Nintendo DS’ March 2011 issue and take note of what coverage they have online.
Hoshi no Kirby: Pupupu Hero

A cheery bit of light-hearted Kirby fluff; in this story, Kirby teams up with Mr. Frosty against Dedede in a downhill bobsleigh race, though Lololo and Lalala block their path with an icecube maze. Kirby also makes these horrible kissy lips whenever he sucks stuff up and I hate it.
This ran from January 2008 to May 2013 [src], before reviving in Dengeki Bazooka!! as Hoshi no Kirby: Ultra Star Deluxe (星ã®ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ“ã‚£ ウルトラスーパーデラックス) for a run lasting October 2014 to April 2016. [src] It was also lucky enough to get its complete Dengeki Nintendo run collected in two volumes, though good luck finding them!
Kirby fansites have barely acknowledged this – Kirbytraum has a button for it but no link or info yet – though given how there’s eleventy-billion manga out there I can’t blame them. However, @hitotsunoneko‘s fansite Masked Knight steals the show – not only has it got scans of ten of the stories, it even has fan-translations for the first seven! This is a really good start for online recognition, but it’s gonna go downhill from here.
Filed under Basic bloggin' Tagged bomberman, comics, mario, sonic
Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #438
“Don’t get Kirby too close to the edge or he’ll fall to his doom. Move the GBA!”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 110 (November 2001)
Filed under ONM Remembered Tagged onm, peripherals, preview, sonic
Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #368
“LOOK!” “Luke WHO” “NO LOOK” “OH”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 64 (January 1998)
Filed under ONM Remembered Tagged crash bandicoot, mario, onm, sonic
Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #340
“The time has come, choose your hedgehog leader wisely.”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 117 (June 2002)
Filed under ONM Remembered Tagged ad, onm, sonic
Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #160

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 132 (September 2003)
Filed under ONM Remembered Tagged ad, onm, sonic
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 11:00 am Comments (2)
“A tough team for a tough job”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 138 (February 2004)
Filed under ONM Remembered Tagged ad, onm, sonic
Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #75
“Time to take sides”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 118 (July 2002)
Filed under ONM Remembered Tagged ad, onm, sonic
Friday, March 30, 2012 at 11:20 pm Comments (7)
Bloop. Some updates! There’s Games I Own reviews, some music, a couple of sprites, and a Bomberman update that could’ve been a lot more substantial if I had the patience to work on it. Recapping a game’s content in a blank, encyclopaedic manner only has its kicks for so long. Sometime!
Filed under Basic bloggin' Tagged bomberman, sonic, tv, update
Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 6:57 pm Comments (1)
I would prefer to have announced it with a relevant update, but I figure, why not – Otimusya lives!
Yeah, he emailed me earlier in the week, and naturally, it took me several days to get around to reply to him because I’m a shiftless bugger. Basically, he said that he’d stumbled across my stuff of his stuff during his web browsing, and he subsequently found the email I’d sent him back in 2009 – he hadn’t noticed it until now. He gave me his permission to produce the translations, and pointed me towards a new mirror for his site, though he said he won’t be updating it. A pity, but I’m glad his content is still online.
Filed under Basic bloggin' Tagged game, gratuitous plug, observation, sonic
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