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The wobbliest sorceress in the woooorld!

Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 8:59 pm Comments (3)

Well, that was an interesting start to the day; being told there’s a pigeon in the garage. We had to cover the closed windows with rugs and other nonsense so it knew which of them was actually open, and didn’t brain itself when trying to fly out. All’s well that ends well.


So, how about that E3, eh?

I haven’t been paying attention to it, to be frank. I only got news about it when friends felt the need to share stuff with me. I find it more interesting that way, as if I actually gave a damn, I’d probably be in agony waiting news on games I’m interested in, but since I don’t, I can just ignore the entire event and then look up very convenient summaries. Life comes up peaches.

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Aw, you’re all heart, sonny.

Friday, December 24, 2010 at 1:23 pm Comments (1)

Given my status as a rampant Nintendo fanboy, you’d think I’d have talked about Donkey Kong Country Returns by now, right? I haven’t even so much as mentioned it since the time it was shown at E3, and the game’s been out, what, over two weeks now in the UK? Well, truth is, I only got my copy on Monday! My brother preordered his but even then thanks to the terrific weather we’re currently having pretty much all postage has been delayed quite badly, so it took a week to arrive even after its release date. Awesome.

The first thing to be asked when talking about a Donkey Kong Country game is this – is it challenging enough to make you utter increasingly-creative expletives? Yes. Yes it is. Is that a good thing? You bet your bananas it is. It’s very relieving to play a game with proper kick-you-in-the-face challenge again. Returns basically takes the tough-as-nails level design of the original trilogy, turns it up several notches, and moulds it into a curveball and expects you to get it on the first shot. This is also why I should be banned from making analogies when I have had barely any sleep. Basically, it’s tough!

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Sonic Made It Through Act 4!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 9:45 pm Comments (9)

I was going to talk a little about some games I’ve been playing lately (two recently bought, one I haven’t played in ten years), but then I realised, whoops, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is out and I haven’t made any cynical remarks on it yet!

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