ONM Remembered – #354
“Soon you’ll be the proud owner of the ultimate Pockemon picture collection.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 64 (January 1998)
“Soon you’ll be the proud owner of the ultimate Pockemon picture collection.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 64 (January 1998)
“This month I’m gonna show you a scene from Turok. The game’s a bit scary for little me, and I always close my eyes when those nasty dinos appear. Ooops, dead again. Giggle.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 66 (March 1998)
“✓ Bangin’ Tunes ✓ Sounds warped ✓ Riffs made”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 114 (March 2002)
“Poo is huge in Japan.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 64 (January 1998)
“One day we’ll set up a proper little village and take pictures of it. Unless you write in threatening to kill us if you do.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 137 (February 2004)
“Sometimes we’ll want to ask you about Nintendo Official Magazine.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 78 (March 1999)
(big ups to oldgamemags.com for the scans!)
“BMT needed more non-driving mini-games – like one where you have to spit at a target.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 132 (September 2003)
“Oooh, there’s a lady in the shower. Quick, pull the curtain back! Damn… it’s a fat ghost and she’s not happy to be spied on.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 116 (May 2002)
“The time has come, choose your hedgehog leader wisely.”
from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 117 (June 2002)