Opa was once one of the sorcerer statesmen ruling over the Gemstone Kingdom, and was quite a corrupt one at that. His political days are over, though, having been discharged from the State, but he deeply regrets his actions, and now spends his days in solitude on Markee's Island, where he partakes in bodybuilding and lecturing to whoever cares to listen (though it often devolves into thrashing them in Puchi Carat matches).
The man's ambitions are, uh, rather poorly described in-game. It appears his main desire is to win the affection of the entire world in some manner, either by teaching his own philosophy, turning himself into a marketing figure, or simply by using his wish to make everyone just like him. His Game Boy story claims that he wants the entire world as his offspring, though one hopes this is just an unfortunate translation rather than the man's paternal instincts gone berzerk. Either way, the man clearly wants attention, but only if it's positive - he has no time for negative nellies.
Opa is described as a troubled individual, and one cannot deny his eccentric behaviour; he's very easily offended by the perceived lack of manners of other people, and is quick to "teach them a lesson" should they get on his bad side. He blames strange sights (such as fairies and large rabbits) on his old age, though his age certainly hasn't reduced his libido; he macks on any and all ladies he sees, and on one occasions pervs on an eleven year old boy as well.
Any valid relationships he has are hard to pinpoint, partly due to the aforementioned horniness and partly because of his rather oddball behaviour. The only relation he's confirmed to have with any character is Paz, as the two were both sorcerer statesmen, though Paz speaks of Opa as if the old man's term was before his time.
In their encounters in the Game Boy and PSX Original Mode stories, Opa holds Paz in some form of respect, and appears to hold some kind of camaraderie with a fellow statesman, though Paz doesn't return the sentiment. Meanwhile, in the PSX Arcade mode, Opa decides to openly express his love for gay sex.
name | オパー Opa |
age | 77 |
height | 182cm |
weight | 72kg |
measurements | ひ♥み♥つ♥ Secret~♥ |
hobbies | 花の観賞、鍛錬 Ornamental flowers, bodybuilding |
month | October |
Secret Stone (所有秘石) | オパール Opal |
SOURCE: Arcade attract mode (Japanese)
と体を鍛える事だ! よろ
SOURCE: Puchi Carat Official Guide Book
In his heyday he was a talented magician and statesman. However, as the years wore on, his power over magic weakened and he was discharged from his position. With his glory days in the past, he has the motivation to forge his body into something as splendid as it once was.
An odd character to get a read on; he can often be harsh, he can often be horny (towards all genders), and if he doesn't like someone's attitude, he'll give them a good lecturing. Furthermore, he's prone to beating people up if they really rankle his chains.
By the way, his hobbies are to decorate ornamental flowers and train his body to perfection! Take care!! (translation) |
77才:「秘石」の噂をきき、もともと女も男も好きな性格だった為、国家の恨みよりも自分の若い時代への思いを再び!という事で欲望の為に秘石探しを始める。 SOURCE: Puchi Carat Original Sound Tracks
Age 14: He enlists in the State at a young age. He enlisted in the State military unit.
Age 14~18: All the ladies and even all the men think Opa is sexy and amazing. He begins to get a little abnormal, though.
Age 18: He rises to captain of the State military unit.
Age 20: The unit becomes the State mission squad, and he is still captain.
Age 35: He rises to commander of the State mission squad.
Age 42: He rises to commander of the State taskforce.
Age 50: A new unit is made, the State Mage Army Corps. He becomes the commander of it, too.
Age 57: He is promoted to the State's mage chief of staff. However, Opa loses an eye to an attack by a jealous subordinate. His power over magic begins to weaken.
Age 60: He is forcibly retired and discharged from the State on his 60th birthday. Following that, he bought a place on Marquise Island on the Asterism Sea, and built a mansion all by himself. During this time, he unearthed the Opal Secret Stone from its soil. No longer able to use magic, he dedicates his life towards bodybuilding.
Age 71: The mages begin gaining control of the State. Its formerly close-knit structure begins to falls apart.
Age 77: Hearing rumours of the Secret Stones and remembering how women loved him in his youth, Opa thinks becoming young would be better than holding a grudge against the State. He begins looking for the Secret Stones to fulfil this desire. (translation)
SOURCE: PlayStation manual (Japanese)
Opa / October / Opal
He used to be a corrupt official but is now paying the price of his dishonesty. Memories of happier days have driven him into body building and preaching. A quiet strange troubled man. Age: 77
SOURCE: PlayStation manual (English)
オパー / OCTOBER / ♂, 78歳
SOURCE: Game Boy manual (Japanese)
Opa / October / Male, 77yrs old
He is a strange and troubled person who was once a corrupt official and now always preaches. He is proud of his muscular body.
SOURCE: Game Boy manual (English)
Yes, Opa has measurements included on his arcade bio.
Although the translation of the Arcade Mode story is fairly similar between the Game Boy and PlayStation versions, Opa is the recipient of a number of notable dialogue changes. I've yet to check the original Japanese text, but one can assume that his overtly horny attitude was just too much for a kid-friendly puzzle game on a Nintendo handheld.
Opa shows you how to play the game.
Opa macks on the ladies.
Opa makes double-entendres.
Opa uses his wish on shameless self-marketing.
Attack Pattern
Opa's block pattern fills all the centre rows, leaving only the left and right edges untouched. This really cramps the opponent's breathing room and time to react, especially when fought with furious combos.
When facing Opa as an opponent, try to wriggle into the unfilled rows on either side and free up some space, before it gets overwhelming.

Sprites (ARC)

Perfect (ARC)
Perfect (PSX)
Cards (Game Boy)