ONM Remembered – Wallop Week, day 2
“This handsome fellow is Gexorr, the final boss. He lives inside Zorr, the previous boss, to avoid council tax.”
from 64 Magazine volume 9 (1998)
I know, I know, not another fighting game review. What is this, a theme week or something? It’s easier to satiate my interest by highlighting these than, oh, I don’t know, playing the game myself.
This is also the first review to suggest Dual Heroes is based off an established franchise – something I was totally oblivious to, but dubious if that’s a true fact or not. The game does feature work by Tamotsu Shinohara and Keita Amemiya, both noted long-running character designers for Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, so that might be where the mistake was made.