Dedicated sections of respect to games and other media, usually with more attention to detail than a regular ol' page. The dates here are just when they started; see their respective index pages for when the last independent update was.
Ragey's Totally Bombastic Bomberman Shrine Place
I'm a little bit crazy about the franchise, it's only a wonder it took this long to get around to it.
September 2009 |
Dinosaur Hunter Diaries
A chronological look at all the Turok media, even the bad ones. Letting the obnoxious comic nerd in me run loose.
January 2020 |
Finishing the Legend of Zelda
Step-by-step progress on how to fail miserably on a game everybody else doesn't fail at.
March 2008 |
Metal Slug: Missing in Action
Unused heebie-jeebies from the series. It's been around a while. You might've heard of it.
June 2005 |
Otimusya - Punchline Warrior
My dedication to a site now lost to the mists of time. Translations of his kooky game writings.
June 2011 |
Puchi Carat Palace
Love gushing for a puzzle game with little to no regard about its actual gameplay. Kooky!
June 2008 |
The Red Dwarf section
In-depth analysis-style reviews about a dead guy frequently reaching fourth base. You heard me.
September 2009 |
Wario's Woods
Mostly music downloads at the moment, but there'll probably be some nerdy waffle soon enough.
June 2011 |
Not exactly an accurate title; this covers anything and everything, really. Mostly attempts to be vaguely humourous in the slightest degree.
I ♥ Kraid
I also have lots of opinions about Kraid but I'll forgive you for not wanting to know.
October 2021 |
The Evolution of Bowser('s sprite)
I have a lot of opinions about sprites and about Bowser. Let me drown you in them.
June 2021 |
Doggie Doo
Russian Roulette with a plastic anus.
November 2011 |
Unfinished Works (vol. 2)
More of the same, except longer!
July 2010 |
Batman vs. Tarzan
Proof that Random Hoo Haas is now just about whatever stupid Nintendo merchandise I find in the garage.
June 2010 |
The Cassette Boy
I'm not sure how something I found in the garage prompted an article as stupid as this.
April 2010 |
How the Classic Controller broke my heart
And why I will never love third party peripherals again.
April 2010 |
Who is McZee?
A vaguely investigative story into someone nobody cares about.
January 2010 |
Nintendo All-Star Battle Cards
Ever wanted to know Timber's exact height in centimetres, or his approximate power level? Find out inside!
December 2009 |
I ♥ Tracy
A love page for a character that isn't an obscure cartoon creature? It happened.
August 2009 |
Education about unfounded internet memes!
July 2009 |
Sometimes cartoon animal mascots just don't work, y'know.
July 2009 |
Wicket - the deadliest force in the galaxy
Just how many things can one little Ewok decimate? (A tenth, if you abide the proper definition of the word.)
May 2009 |
Optimus Prime's mouth - revealed!
Animation errors are a bitch.
April 2009 |
Tony the Tiger: 2nd Class Villain in 1st Class Post
Wherein I make more complaints about breakfast than jabs at the story.
November 2008 |
Making sense of random battles
That isn't achieved at all. Instead I draw dinosaurs biting people's crotches.
February 2008 |
50.Grind's Gotta Catch 'Em All
The Zelda Rap may be definitive of 80s video gaming, but take a gander at this little beaut.
August 2007 |
Greenland is shitty
Actually about crazy childhood education, believe it or not!
August 2007 |
Tart Top is the worst
The folly of Mario Kart DS.
July 2007 |
Welcome to the dead place
PS2 croaks, and I'm guilty. Movie at eleven.
May 2007 |
Unfinished Works (vol. 1)
Updates reach an all-time low.
May 2007 |
An Ideal Human
"Playing God is never a pretty sight."
April 2007 |
final fighantsy script.txt
Proof that my brother is clinically insane and I should stop being his lackey.
March 2007 |
Tales of the Nintendo 64
I just can't get enough of retelling these personal stories. Will anyone care? Read to find out!
March 2007 |
I ♥ Lizardon
How a fame-seeking monster-stacking purple reptile stole my heart.
February 2007 |
Bad Eatter [sic] The Man 2!
The sequel from the time of knights, now very creationist.
December 2006 |
Crocodile Man Adventures 1: The Museum
Guest-starring Grandad and Crazy Uncle Lester, plus the creatures of Africa.
November 2006 |
Bad Eater The Man!
A look at one of my crazy creations in 3D Movie Maker from the years of dinosaurs.
October 2006 |
I ♥ Octoman
Why I love that thong-wearing little squid racer.
July 2006 |
Love & Monsters: A story to fit every taste
An impromptu doodle story with Invader Mar!
July 2006 |
Not review-y enough to be a review, but not enough love gushing to be a fully-fledged media love section. And also just here for the simple purpose of making the Oddities & Observations section less bloated.
F-ZERO - Otimusya
Everything you need to know about fictional time trial tactics.
October 2015 |
Final Fight - Otimusya
Beatings are heavy in Super Crime City. Heads-up: inappropriate sexual and transphobic gags.
October 2015 |
Hokuto no Ken - Otimusya
If anyone's got a gag that isn't a riff on "you are already dead", hit me up.
October 2015 |
Wolfenstein 3D - Otimusya
A Japanese perspective on the dawn of first-person shooters.
October 2015 |
10 reasons why Super Mario Land 2 is pretty neat
When in doubt, rehash a concept.
January 2012 |
Excite Bike - Otimusya
There's nothing in the rules saying a Terminator can't enter a motocross tournament!
June 2011 |
Super Mario Bros. - Otimusya
Coin genitilia. That says it all.
June 2011 |
Balloon Fight - Otimusya
The logistics of balloon flight are explored, and it all ends in tears.
June 2011 |
12 reasons why Super Mario Land is pretty rad
Just in case my writing wasn't lazy enough.
March 2010 |
Dark Tower
I'll come in when I damn well want to.
February 2010 |
The Speed Rumbler
Instant death? Instant death! Also I swear I've had the barebones of this sitting around since 2006. Me lazy.
February 2010 |
Kung-Fu Master
Hours of kicking-people-in-the-face fun! Okay, ten minutes at the most.
November 2009 |
Jail Break
Let the hostages go. Oh no!
April 2009 |
Hanna-Barbera's Turbo Toons
You've got to admire the concept, though.
February 2009 |
Thomas the Tank Engine: The video game
It's not that fantastic. Both the game and the rambling, that is.
August 2008 |
Chelnov - Atomic Runner
One of those games that you want
to love but the frequent deaths try to quash any affection for it.
June 2008 |
Tasmania Story
All kinds of wacky comparisons in an attempt to understand just how the hell to define this game. Also mice.
May 2008 |
64th Street - A Detective Story
Forget all these new mystery solving games, this is one that uses the best interrogative tool of all: Your fists.
February 2008 |
Godzilla GB
Not what you expect it to be, both in gameplay and what it started as!
January 2008 |
Shadows of the Empire
A quickie! Five reasons why it rocks and also scared the dickens out of me.
November 2007 |
Ganbare Ginkun - Action Minigame Shuu
This game features a giant killer shoe. A giant killer high-heeled shoe.
November 2007 |
Bomberman GB
Obscure game information of a game people know? It happened.
October 2007 |
Othello is terrible
The game, not the Shakespeare play. Great title screen, though.
May 2007 |
Diet Go Go!
Intended to be humourous and such-like, but dwindled into mindless ranting. Has a cameo from Chelnov.
May 2007 |
Why Mega Man - The Power series rules
Ten reasons justifying why they totally rock and should get sequels.
December 2006 |
Saturn Bomberman Fight!!
Obscure game information, as well as the scanned manual.
September 2006 |
Taz-Mania: Two crappy games
Water isn't the only thing Taz hates. Taz hate low-quality licensed video games!
May 2006 |
Wherein I attempt to make a statement. Usually involving lots of swear words.
Some games I played in 2023
I think the summaries are superfluous at this point!
February 2024 |
Some games I played in 2022
It's still going!
September 2023 |
Some games I played in 2021
I'm running out of one-sentence descriptors!
July 2020 |
Croc 2: Learning All The Wrong Lessons
Trying new things? Unforgivable!
October 2021 |
Croc: The Little 3D Platformer That Tried
Defending the honour of long dead platforming franchises.
August 2021 |
Some games I played in 2020
Game design talk ad short-lived obsessions - it's getting more and more niche!
July 2020 |
Some games I played in 2019
Now just a blog post that got too big! The scope lessens!
December 2019 |
Some games I played in 2015
Another year of getting frustrated with the most innocuous games.
October 2016 |
Some games I played in 2014
More words and less media! Did any of it deserve this much ranting?!
October 2015 |
Some games I played in 2013
More of the same, except I forgot half of what I watched!
October 2015 |
Some games I played in 2012
And books and movies and TV shows, too! You better believe I was a lazy mofo that year.
August 2014 |
Some games I played in 2009
What games reduced me to frothing, swearing wrecks that year?
January 2010 |
Jungle Panda (in collaboration with Scary-Crayon!)
Forget the panda, watch out for that frickin' snake!
June 2009 |
Quick Man - The Jazwares Action Figure
A toy based off a Japanese video game, and it isn't an immobile statuette? Dubious enquiry!
June 2009 |
Steve Irwin - Xtreme Machine
Holy wow.
May 2009 |
Pink Goes To Hollywood
A licensed video game that's not very good? Shock of the century!
March 2009 |
Plasma Tech Bogkov
Rubber-like Transformers rip-offs that don't even transform. And I like them? Blasphemy!
August 2008 |
Video reviews
A format that should be great becomes misused. Cue a complaint!
June 2008 |
Robot Masters 01 - G1 Convoy
Double whammy! A review of the real deal and an inflated bootleg.
February 2008 |
Tranx Fighers Planet Fighter Tyrannobot
It's not quite a redeco but not quite a retool either! And I ramble a lot.
January 2008 |
Titanium Soundwave
Filled with flaws and drawbacks, but I try and reason with it. Mostly because I got it for £6.
December 2007 |
Action Master Blaster
Expressing love to a toyline that just about everyone reviles? Must be sacrilege.
December 2007 |
Mega Man III (Game Boy)
A whole two paragraphs on the game, really. The rest is about expansion packs!
December 2007 |
Dinosaur warrior Dinosaur Bot POWERFUL
Get a new toy and only review it several weeks after getting it. Am I a terrible person?
October 2007 |
CT Special Forces
Hardcore Gaming 101 style look-at.
July 2007 |
New Super Mario Bros. mini-games
Bitching and whining about the flaws of the DS! And maybe some reviews.
May 2007 |
You hear it all the time, and now Galvatron and I say the same! It's not much new, really.
May 2007 |
Realm of the Dead
It's not very good!
April 2007 |
Super Mario World
Totally over the top love story from Steve.
January 2007 |
Mario Party Mini-Game reviews
Exactly what it says there. No pictures, though.
December 2006 |
Let's Talk Metal Slug (with Galvatron!)
A bit like Ebert and Siskel, except I've never seen that outside of the parody on The Simpsons.
November 2006 |
The State of the GBA market (the positive)
The Game Boy Advance's library isn't all that bad.
June 2006 |
Super Mario 64 DS
It's bad enough on it's own, but then you learn it once had co-operative multi-player and all hell breaks loose!
February 2006 |
Metal Slug Advance
A list of bullet points detailing why the game makes me sad and got me temporarily hated at the MSDB.
December 2005 |
Sonic Advance 2
All but the first game in the Advance series are duds. Nagging!
December 2005 |
The State of the GBA market (the negative)
The Game Boy Advance's library stinks.
December 2005 |