Nintendo 64

Planet Gossick
Area 1: Gossick Star

You'll only be able to journey to this bonus planet if you collect all the Special Bombs and earn a Clear Points rating of five on every stage of the game.

Outer Road
Target score: 4,000

Sure, you can fly low through the narrow canyon, avoiding the enemies high above. But you won't come near the level's target score.

Outer RoadWatch out: the UFO is a trap. Pursue it only after you've eliminated the missile launchers.

Outer Road Take a well-aimed shot at the beam weapon at the halfway point. Wait for it to stop flashing before shooting it a second and, finally, a third time.

Inner Road
Target score: 4,000

Only master leapers need apply to this extremely demanding level. Before making your well-timed jumps, especially onto the platforms and pillars at the halfway point, blast anything that moves.

Inner Road Wait for the boulders to roll up the metallic walls before scurrying forward. Like a shark, you'll have to keep moving in order to survive.

Inner Road Leap to the floating red platform, then jump to the yellow platform and catapult to the Red Crystals and Gold Diamonds high above. Afterward, return to the pillars to collect all the Blue Crystals.

Vs. ????
Target score: 6,000

The Evil Bomber has planted all the Special Bombs throughout the game, and he'll stop at nothing to make sure no one reveals his nefarious plot.

???? Jump and throw bombs at this sinister being before he has the chance to tuck his wings and swoop down on you.

Game Info
Planet Bomber
Primus Star


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