Nintendo 64

Planet Bomber
Area 1: Woods of Esuram

Bomberman will have his mettle tested by the bizarre beasts roaming the wild lands outside Primus Castle. This is an excellent area to sharpen up your bombing skills for the troubles that lie ahead.

Groog Hills
Target score: 6,000

Groog Hills Make the seasons turn from summer to winter by holding the B Button until Bomberman winds up. Release the button to toss a Rolling Bomb at the Freeze Flower, creating a instant blizzard. Brrrr!

Groog Hills Scampering across the ice to the treasures is a snap, but be sure you blast the Groogs before they give chase.

Bubble Hole
Target score: 7,000

Like amoebas in reverse, the liquid beasties of Bubble Hole meld together to form even bigger baddies. Bubbles often waylay thrown bombs, so try placing and kicking bombs at your enemies.

Bubble HoleJump into the bubble holes in search of teleporters, which will whisk you to well-stocked cliffs.

Bubble Hole

Bubble Hole map

Erars Lake
Target score: 6,500

Erars Lake Attack this giant manta ray from afar. If you find yourself drifting too close, try swimming in reverse.

Target score: 4,000

Bomberman bobs into this little liquid warmup for the Water Slider level. Slip into the rushing currents if you must, but if you don't know what's ahead and where to jump, you won't win a perfect score.

Heavy RoomJust before the exit, drop down a pipe, snatch the four Key Crystals and get the heck outta there before five seconds ticks away.

Waterway map

Water Slider
Target score: 4,000

You'll spot a rare Special Bomb just before reaching the first waterfall. Jump to the bomb as you slide down the steepest part of the waterfall.

Sky Room Preemptively blast the bomb-tossers on the platforms ahead of you. If you wait to take them on until you've reached the narrow platforms, you'll take serious damage.

Game Info
Area 2: Primus Castle


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