Nintendo 64

Bomberman Hero:

Single Bomb Ups increase by one the number of bombs you can drop at a time. A cool Cold War weapon, the Freeze Bomb temporarily freezes its victims. The saline cloud from a Salt Bomb will only hurt pesky slugs. Activate the Remote Control to ignite a bomb at a safe distance.


Collect 200 of the very common Blue Crystals and you'll increase your life meter by one mark. One Red Crystal equals five Blue Crystals. Each Rainbow Diamond is good for 1,000 bonus points, while each Gold Diamond (an unusual chemical compound, that) is worth a hefty 500 points.
You'll need to collect all four pieces of a Key Crystal to open a Crystal Door. Only the gold Card Key can open computer doors. The Garaden Empire will stop at nothing in its quest to recover the Data Disk.
Bubbles and more
Step on a Bubble icon to levitate slowly. Pibot will transmit valuable advice via Communicators, which you'll find lying around the terrain. Collect all the Special Bombs to reach the bonus planet.
Life power-ups
A Life Heart will replenish one notch on Bomberman's life meter, while the Max Life Recover will fill his meter to the brim. Gain a new life with the extremely rare 1-Up.
Body Armor and more
Force fields can only be deactivated with a Force Field Key. Fire Ups expand your bombs' destructive radius. Protect Bomberman from friendly fire with Body Armor. The Power Glove doubles his bomb-hurling range.

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