ONM Remembered – #287

Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #287

“He was adopted by a power financial magnet.”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 119 (August 2002)

On the subject of unreleased games, I took one look at this and thought “get the fuck out, there’s no way this ever came out. No way. Those are prerendered movie scenes, for god’s sake. Stop lying to us, Ubisoft.”
… well, um, it did come out. On all three consoles, plus the PC for that matter! The only catch is that it stayed in Europe and never saw an international release, which is why I’d never heard of it. But, hey, now I do, and you can watch all six hours of gameplay on YouTube. Now that’s something we can share!
And if you’re a spelling nerd, don’t worry, they got called out for that typo in the next month’s letters page.

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