ONM Remembered – Miyamoto Week, day 7

Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – Miyamoto Week, day 7

“You’ve created some of the best videogames ever made – and that’s a fact!”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 89 (February 2000)

More questions for the mirthful maker of Mario! The GameCube was approaching, and people were curious to dig every tidbit of info they could out of him. Most notably, Shigeru admits that he was sad to move away from cartridges. Aw.

Perhaps even more notably, his favourite Pokémon is Psyduck. Fascinating!
Has anyone ever made a complete list of every celebrity’s favourite Pokémon? I’m not the man to do it, but damn it, now I’m curious who Judy Dench’s favourite Pokemon is. We know who that one guy from 50.Grind likes, so surely that’s enough of a foundation to start a large-scale investigation. Get cracking!

… is it the end of Miyamoto Week already? What a bummer! We’re back to the regular schedule on Tuesday, though if you’re hungry for more Shigeru shenanigans, keep your eyes peeled; a couple more interviews and ask columns may pop up in the following month!

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