ONM Remembered – #123

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #123

“Walkers, Tazos, Quavers and Monster Munch”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 104 (May 2001)

Check out the intense graphical design. Soak in all that empty space!
Speaking of poor design, I was about to start asking the audience what the heck a Taz is, but they’re actually called Tazos, and just happen to have an outstandingly awful logo. Seriously, look at this page. I could spend at least five minutes picking this apart. Don’t get me started on the white space between Ash’s face and hand. I’ve got enough to be angry about these days.

So, what the heck is a Tazo?
… I have no idea.
There’s a Wikipedia article on them which basically sums them up as “like Pogs, but a bit different.” It claims you play a game to win Tazos from other plays, but not a single source seems to state what on earth the game actually is, or how it’s played. Don’t you love the information superhighway?
I wish I could say something with a bit more value, but what can I possibly say? A packet of crisps once offered little cardboard buttons with Pokémon imagery. It probably made sense at the time, but the hows, whats and whys will forever remain a mystery.

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