ONM Remembered is OVER!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 12:31 am Comments (2)

Over five hundred entries over the course of nearly five years. I, uh, honestly wasn’t expecting this silly little column to run for that long! Somebody should probably have intervened.

Like I said all the way at the beginning, the idea to scan these came about as a first step to finally chucking the old things out… and all this time later, even after moving house, they’re still lying around. I think this column only made me more attached to the stupid things! They’re funny little relics, game magazines; a more tangible step into the past than the Wayback Machine can ever amount to, when people were hyped as hell over totally forgotten games or had no better ways of expressing their ill-conceived anger than writing it on paper and putting it in a letterbox. I could wax nonsense about “simpler times” but I’ve been putting off this epilogue for weeks – months, even! – and the last thing I need is more beating about the bush.
Official Nintendo Magazine and its ilk were a lot of fun to look back on, and I think it’s given me a complex about archiving old magazines now, so thanks for that. ONM Remembered was also a fun exercise in writing scheduled content and admittedly getting blood from a stone at times, but I tried to keep it a breezy mish-mash of content that hopefully didn’t get too by-the-numbers. Feel free to tell me how wrong I was.
On the subject of speaking your mind, what’s the verdict? Is scheduled blog content something you want to see more of, or do you prefer Random Hoo Haas when crap just shows up whenever? Not that I’m in a rush to go starting even more projects, but let’s throw the suggestion into the void, why not.

Hey! Metal Slug: Missing in Action updated! The crux of its new content is scans from old game magazines; how’s that for thematic relevance! I also finally finished off Some Games I Played in 2015 so you can read about how dismal Brilliant Bob is. I still have placeholder images in there, but I’m tired. I’ll replace them later.

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2 Responses to “ONM Remembered is OVER!!!”

  • Me says:

    “ONM Remembered is OVER!!!”

    Well, that’s a feels-bad.

    Congrats on maintaining a somewhat consistent schedule for however long it took to get past 500 rambles about old magazine scans, though!

    “On the subject of speaking your mind, what’s the verdict? Is scheduled blog content something you want to see more of, or do you prefer Random Hoo Haas when crap just shows up whenever? Not that I’m in a rush to go starting even more projects, but let’s throw the suggestion into the void, why not.”

    If, by “scheduled blog content”, you just mean “rambling about whatever”, than that seems like a good idea. I mean, rambling about whatever is the crux of both your General Writings and about half of my YouTube viewing, both of those being things I enjoy.

  • Ragey says:

    I should probably have dialed it back to two exclamation marks. One makes a point, two suggests surprise, but three just seems raucous.

    And I kept reminding myself for the past few months “don’t forget to mention I’ll probably talk over ONM scans in future if I get the itch”, and then I forgot. It’ll be around one way or another, probably!

    Rambling about whatever sounds like it’d be a fun practise to get back into!

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