PlayStation Portable

[last updated: 05-SEP-2011]

Bakufuu Sentai Bombermen


WHEN: Oct 2011

It's a Bomberman game. Haven't played far enough to experience anything new.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Further reading: Check out the Totally Bombastic Bomberman Shrine Place!



WHEN: Jul 2010

Outside of the load times, it's better than the DS version. Does that mean much?

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Further reading: Check out the Totally Bombastic Bomberman Shrine Place!

Bomberman Land


WHEN: Jan 2011

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Further reading: Check out the Totally Bombastic Bomberman Shrine Place!

Burnout Dominator


WHEN: Jul 2010

NOTES: First game.

Seems to go out of its way to be incomprehensible.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Buzz! Master Quiz


WHEN: Feb 2011

Fun for what it is, even if it does highlight my shocking lack of trivia knowledge.

(reviewed 05 September 2011)

[NEW!] It's a quiz game.

... that's... that's kind of it. It's a quiz game with a muppet as a host.

It's actually not that bad, and for a portable solo quiz show experience, it does pretty well. The range of questions aren't going to put The Weakest Link to shame or anything - there's no questions on hard science or ancient history or anything. Most of it is related to pop culture, recent history, basic geography and sports. No major brainbox material. It's a video game, for cryin' out loud. (mind you, whatever argument I was trying to raise is rendered moot when I spent the game getting nearly everything wrong. It's probably the only time in my life I've ever regretted bunking out of GCSE geography!)

The game is split into difficulties, with three quizzes you need to complete before moving on to the Quickfire Questions round, where you need to rack up as much points as possible in the time given. Once that's done, you unlock another three quizzes, and after that another Quickfire round, and the process repeats. There are only fifteen quizzes in total, but the questions are always randomised, and there's a few neat gimmicks to mix things up: picture quizzes, video quizzes, timed quizzes, "virus" quizzes (where you need to identify something in an image as it slowly de-pixellates, but your points are constantly depleting as you wait) and so on. It's a nice vairety, and you can replay them to get better scores, and there's a rather silly achievements rip-off where you get trophies for accomplishing certain feats, such as answering ten questions correctly in a row. I'm in no rush to do it, but someone's bound to be get some replay value out of filling a fictional trophy shelf, surely.

It performs quite nicely on the PSP, with the four face buttons used to pick your answer. The game loads and plays quickly enough with no serious loading times, though one wonders if there were no video and less voice clips it might have sped up a little. No big whoop. You're allowed to pause at any time; a feature not worth mentioning if it weren't for the game rewarding you for prompt answers, so you can abuse it for easy highscores or thinking time. It's not a game that'll occupy you forever, but it's a fair enough time killer.

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Completion: All quizzes complete. Need all gold scores and trophies.



WHEN: Jul 2010

NOTES: First game.

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Everybody's Golf


WHEN: Jul 2010

NOTES: First game.

A neat little Mario Golf alternative.

[no review]

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Completion: No.



WHEN: Jul 2010

NOTES: First game.

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Monster Hunter Freedom


WHEN: Feb 2011

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Monster Hunter Freedom 2


WHEN: Dec 2010

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Need For Speed: Undercover


WHEN: Jul 2010

NOTES: First game.


[no review]

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Completion: No.

Panic Bomber


WHEN: Jan 2011

NOTES: Japanese version

Not bad, not great.

[no review]

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Completion: Finished Vs. CPU mode.

Further reading: Check out the Totally Bombastic Bomberman Shrine Place!

Phantasy Star Portable 2


WHEN: Feb 2011

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.



WHEN: Jul 2010

NOTES: First game.

Strangely entertaining!

[no review]

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Completion: No.

Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron


WHEN: Feb 2011

Haven't played.

[no review]

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Completion: No.



WHEN: Feb 2011

Haven't played.

No review yet (I'm a total Transformers nerd, you know at some point I'm gonna have to whinge about this game), but since this page has nothing of worth so far, here's a mildly amusing anecdote!

I was scanning a book and thought that would be a perfect opportunity to try out one of my PSP games while the pages scanned. So I gave this a bash, and after six minutes of loading screens, I'd still yet to actually see any gameplay. It took its sweet time loading the main menu, and then the story mode menu, and I assume there would've been a movie scene or a briefing after that, but I don't know because the game actually froze while on a loading screen.

I said it was mildly amusing, didn't I?

The disc was scratched to all hell even before I put it in, so that should've been a valid warning. There goes any potential of selling the game, then!

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Completion: No.

Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins


WHEN: Sep 2011

It's a pity most of the game is a fetch quest, but the arcadey bits are a lot of fun!

[no review]

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Completion: No.