Music (NES, US/JP)
This music was recorded using the NSF ripped by Matrixz, which is the most complete one available.
It includes some tracks that are strange variants of certain tunes - either the same song extended or with different instruments, or random medleys of songs. Even stranger, some songs are completely unused - but go used in the European release!
Music (NES, Europe)
The European release features a nearly unique soundtrack (see MISC for more info!), but no NSF has been ripped of this version yet; what's listed here was either an unused track in the JP/US NSF, or was recorded using FCE Ultra.
Since I've no idea what kind of official tempo the music is meant to go at, that kinda puts a damper on recording any more until someone rips the raw music data. Hint hint?
Music (SNES)
As if things weren't awkward enough, the SNES game doesn't use the common SPC700 interpret to play music, but instead churns them out as strings of individual sound effects.
What this means is that the music can't be dumped normally, and it all must be recorded from gameplay. For precisely that reason, I haven't bothered getting much. Maybe sometime!
Manual Scans (SNES)
This is the American manual (I doubt the European one is any different). I scanned this waaaay back in early 2008, and it's definitely up there as one of my worst scanning jobs ever.
Not that the manual has any juicy artwork or anything - the only stuff it has is the same as from the Famicom manual, so I'm not exactly in a rush to re-scan it. Sorry, folks!
Manual Scans (Famicom)
The Japanese manual of the NES game isn't your traditional booklet, but is instead a fold-out sheet of sorts.
It's too big to fit in a standard A4 scanning bay, so I scanned it as eight parts. Now I've no idea what order it was meant to go in. Awesome. Let's pretend dumping it into a WinZip file will rectify that!
Bitmap Fonts
Have you ever wanted to use a Wario's Woods themed graphical font for whatever damn purpose you want? Well, if you've got Bitmap Font Writer, take a look at these bad boys!

I'm rather crummy at formatting Bitmap fonts, mind you, so the the fifth font has some problems that I've yet to rectify. Heck, I'm not even sure if I've ripped all the letters, and there might even be more problems than I know of!
That's not a good way of encouraging people to download these, is it?