Season 1
by Galvatron and Ragey
Season 2
by Galvatron
Starscream's Brigade | The Revenge of Bruticus | Masquerade |
Season 3
by Ragey and Galvatron
Season 4
by Ragey
Oh, mercy. Strap yourselves in, folks.
Season 1
Rhino released the season in the US as both individual volumes and a full box
set with bonus feature disc. There's some extras on the remastering process,
pointing out of animation errors (ANIMATOR'S HAIR), some dubbed clips from
Masterforce and Victory, bumpers, the script to Transport to Oblivion
and footage of BotCon 2001. It's pretty expensive.
Madman Entertainment released their own version of the season in Australia, and it is downright impossible to actually find out if it contains anything more than that.
Metrodome's UK release has different extras, such as a quiz, footage from BotCon 2004, character profiles, episode scripts and a "hidden Easter egg" that the site's description promises. What a mystery! Though it bugs me how the term "hidden" Easter egg is used. An Easter egg is meant to be hidden. At least, they are in the States. Over here you walk into a store and there they are!
There's also a ton of VHS tapes which are a lot cheaper than the American box sets, but they only contain like one or two episodes, so why bother?
Amazon US: Rhino DVD
Amazon UK: Metrodome DVD
Season 2
season 2 is nearly fifty episodes long, this causes a bit of a hullabaloo when
it comes to DVD releases.
Metrodome's UK release is surprisingly simple, just splitting it into two three-disc box sets and plopping on some extras like scripts, quizzes, convention look-ats and a mini-comic in the second part. The menus kind of look hideously amateur, though, but not much to be done about that.
The US releases, however, look to be a huge jumble of complication. Instead of just releasing the boxsets, volumes of seven (or so) episodes each come out, of which there are about eight volumes for each half of the season. And then there's also boxsets compiling all those volumes together in a demonstration of actual intelligence, albeit delayed. Since Amazon's search engine is so wonky, it actually took me a few tries before seeing that there were boxsets at all, but obviously I recommend getting them over the individual volumes because honestly who would want those
Season 3 + 4
Rhino's US release of the season is in two volumes, the second half containing
season 4's three episode, as well as an interview with David Wise, the writer of
the final season.
Metrodome's UK box set of the season also includes season 4, plus a few unexciting bonuses such as a look at a Transformers convention through the eyes of a heavy-accented Brit named Overlord, a quiz, character biographies, postcards of both official art and fan art, plus the second half of a mini-comic that really didn't help in not confusing me, what with this box set being my first intended entrance to the Transformers franchise.
It's also much, much cheaper to get than Rhino's versions. $140 for half of a season? Bollocks.
Amazon UK: Metrodome DVD