Battle Game can be played with up to 5 human or computer-controlled players, the goal of which is to be the last man standing! There are 3 modes available:
Battle Royale Mode / バトルロイヤルモード is the default Battle Game.
Champion Mode / チャンピオンモード is a three-round one-on-one battle with the Bomber Shittenou.
Manic Mode / マニアックモード allows you to change the available items and apply handicaps to each player, but limits the other options.
Battle Royale Mode can be played in Single Match (free-for-all) or Tag Match, which splits the players into 2 teams. You can also change the following options:
COM LEVEL: Determines CPU opponent's intelligence, ranging from easy (よれい), medium (ふつう) to hard (つよい).
BATTLE: Choose how many victories are required to win. From 1 to 5.
TIME: How long the battle will last. Can be set to 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or endless.
Sudden Death / サドンデス: If set to OFF, hard blocks will only fill the outer ring when time is low. If set to ON, they'll fill all the way until a winner or draw is declared.
Gutter Bomb / みぞボン: If ON, killed players can fly along the side of the arena and throw bombs 5 tiles in; if a player in their way, the bomb will aim to land on their head. Gutter Bomb players are removed from gameplay once time is low.
Dash Bomber / ダッシュボンバー: If set to ON, whoever wins will the battle will participate in a mini-game to win power-ups to use in the next match. This mini-game cannot be played in Tag Match.
In this mini-game, your character will drive a car towards the end of the track, where you want to stop on one of six possible items: Bomb Up, Fire Up, Speed Up, Bomb Kick, Heart, or Geta.
Hold the B Button to accelerate and change lane with the D-Pad.
Once you enter the marked lanes at the end, you cannot change track.
Whatever item collected will be remain active for the entire of the next match.
Champion Mode pits you in a one-on-one match with each member of the Bomber Shittenou. Whoever wins 3 matches is the winner; if you lose, it's Game Over. If you win, you progress to the next member and continue until Great Bomber is defeated, where you are treated to the credits.
Single Match is for 1 player, and Tag Match is 2-player co-op against two of each member of the Shittenou.
You can choose any character, but options are off-limits: the timer is at 3 minutes, and all players start with 4 Bomb Ups, 4 Fire Ups, 2 Speed Ups, Power Glove, Bomb Kick, Punch and Push items.
For whatever reason, you can't exit this mode once you win or lose; you must reset the console.
After setting up your players, Maniac Mode offers two new options:
Item Select / アイテムセレクト allows you to choose what items can be found, and how many are available. You can have a maximum of 60 items on the map, though you can only have 9 of each item (of the 15 available).
Handicap / ハンデキャップ allows you to choose how many hits each player requires before they die, much like the Heart in Normal Game. 1 is the default (no Hearts), 5 is the maximum.
Battle Start / バトルスタート will start the battle with the chosen settings.
Aside from the aforementioned options, there are no other settings available.
All battles are on Stage 1, set to 3 minutes, 3 victories are required, and Gutter Bomb is enabled.
To see how to unlock Battle Groups 2, 3 and 4, see cheats and codes.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
A basic stage with no gimmicks.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
This map features moving lights; they periodically speed up, boosting the movement of all players for the duration.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
This map has orbs that can be pushed around with bomb blasts. If they collide with a player, that character will be stunned and have their items scattered.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
This map is bordered by cliffs that players can fall off of if they move too close to them.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
A "superpowered" stage with no soft blocks. Players begin with 4 Bomb Ups, 4 Fire Ups, Power Glove, Push, Punch and Bomb Kick.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
This map boasts a variety of gimmick floor tiles that have different effects when walked upon: The bubbled tiles slow players down. The shiny tiles make players slide across them; these can be bombed to toggle them between normal and shiny. Doing this too often will transform them into skull tiles, which reverse players' controls.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
Redirecting arrows will redirect any kicked bombs that pass over them. Foliage will hide players, bombs and objects beneath them.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
This map features a slot machine that, on occasion, will deposit power-up items.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
Seesaws can be used to fling bombs and players around the map.
Battle Group 1 |
Battle Group 2 |
Battle Group 3 |
Battle Group 4 |
This is the only map to feature the Cosplay item - see items for details.
page last modified: 08/05/2015 |