The only data I can provide for each stage are the enemies, the item, and the size of the stage. Stages marked with (H) are long stages with horizontal scrolling; if unmarked, it's a single-screen level. The time limit for regular and long stages is different.
World names come from the Japanese manual.
Area 1-1Ballom x 3ITEM: Fire Up |
Area 1-2Ballom x 3, BoyonITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 1-3Ballom x 2, Boyon, TerupyoITEM: Fire Up |
Area 1-4Ballom x 4, NagachamITEM: Remote Control |
Area 1-5Boyon, Terupyo x 2, Nagacham x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 1-6Ballom x 4, Boyon x 2, Nagacham x 2ITEM: Bonus |
Area 1-7Ballom x 4, Pass x 2ITEM: Fire Up |
Area 1-8Boyon x 2, Nagacham x 2, Pass x 2, PomoriITEM: Remote Control |
Area 2-1Ballom x 2, Pontan, FlapperITEM: Speed Up |
Area 2-2 (H)Ballom x 3, Flapper x 2, BafaITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 2-3Terupyo x 2, Pomori x 3, Bafa x 2ITEM: Fire Suit B |
Area 2-4 (H)Pass x 2, Flapper x 2, Bafa x 3ITEM: Remote Control |
Area 2-5Ballom, Terupyo, Flapper x 2, Bafa x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 2-6 (H)Ballom x 2, Pomori x 2, Flapper x 2, Bafa x 2ITEM: Bonus |
Area 2-7Terupyo, Pomori x 2, Flapper, BafaITEM: Fire Up |
Area 2-8 (H)Pass x 2, Pontan x 2, Flapper x 2, Bafa x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 3-1Ballom x 2, Pass, OjinITEM: Remote Control |
Area 3-2 (H)Ballom x 2, Terupyo, Ojin x 2, EkutopuITEM: Fire Suit A |
Area 3-3 (H)Pontan x 2, Ojin x 2, Ekutopu x 2ITEM: Wall Pass |
Area 3-4 (H)Ballom x 2, Pass, Pomori, Ojin x 2, Ekutopu x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 3-5Pomori x 2, Pontan, Ojin x 2, EkutopuITEM: Fire Up |
Area 3-6 (H)Pass x 2, Pomori x 2, Ojin x 2, EkutopuITEM: Bonus |
Area 3-7Pass x 2, Pontan, Ojin, Ekutopu x 2ITEM: Remote Control |
Area 3-8Pass x 3, Terupyo, Ojin x 2, Ekutopu x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 4-1Pomori, Gacha x 2, UotanITEM: Score |
Area 4-2Pass, Pomori x 2, Gacha, Uotan x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 4-3 (H)Pass x 2, Terupyo, Pomori, Gacha x 2, Uotan x 2ITEM: Fire Suit A |
Area 4-4 (H)Pass x 4, Pomori x 2, Gacha, UotanITEM: Remote Control |
Area 4-5Pass x 2, Pontan, Gacha x 2, Uotan x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 4-6 (H)Pass x 3, Pomori, Gacha x 2, Uotan x 2ITEM: Bonus |
Area 4-7Pass x 2, Terupyo x 2, Gacha x 2, Uotan x 2ITEM: Fire Up |
Area 4-8Pass x 3, Gacha x 2, Uotan x 2, BomaITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 5-1Pass x 2, Korisuke, MaronITEM: Fire Up |
Area 5-2 (H)Ballom, Pass, Pomori, Pontan, Terupyo, Korisuke, Maron, BomaITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 5-3 (H)Pass x 2, Pomori, Korisuke, Maron x 2ITEM: Remote Control |
Area 5-4Pass x 2, Pontan, Korisuke x 2, MaronITEM: Fire Suit A |
Area 5-5 (H)Pass, Pomori, Terupyo x 2, Korisuke x 2, Maron x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 5-6 (H)Pomori x 3, Terupyo, Korisuke x 2, Maron x 2ITEM: Bonus |
Area 5-7Pass x 4, Maron x 3, BomaITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 5-8 (H)Pass x 2, Korisuke x 2, Maron x 2, Boma x 2ITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 6-1 (H)Ballom x 2, Boyon x 2, Nagacham x 2, Pass x 2ITEM: Remote Control |
Area 6-2 (H)Ballom, Pass x 2, Bafa x 2, Boma x 3ITEM: Wall Pass |
Area 6-3 (H)Ballom, Pass, Pontan, Pomori, Ojin, Ekutopu x 2, BomaITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 6-4 (H)Terupyo, Pass, Pomori, Gacha, Uotan x 3, BomaITEM: Fire Suit A |
Area 6-5 (H)Ballom x 3, Pass, Korisuke, Maron x 2, BomaITEM: Fire Up |
Area 6-6 (H)Ballom x 2, Pass, Terupyo, Nagacham x 3, BomaITEM: Bonus |
Area 6-7 (H)Pass, Pomori, Terupyo, Gacha, Uotan x 3, BomaITEM: Bomb Up |
Area 6-8 (H)Pass x 3, Pomori x 2, Boma x 3ITEM: Fire Up |
Ballom / バロムMoves in a repetitive manner. Only changes direction upon hitting a wall. 100 points. |
Boyon / ボヨンMoves back and forth erratically. Can travel through soft blocks. 400 points. |
Terupyo / テルピョーFaster than Ballom. Moves aimlessly, but will pursue Bomberman when close. 200 points. |
Nagacham / ナガチャムMoves aimlessly. Can travel through soft blocks. Will periodically teleport to another part of the map. 200 points. |
Pass / パースFaster than Ballom. Will pursue Bomberman if nearby. 400 points. |
Pomori / ポーモリMoves slowly and aimlessly. Can pass through soft blocks. 100 points. |
Pontan / ポンタンBehaves like Ballom, but a little faster. 200 points. |
Flapper / フラッパーBehaves like Ballom. 400 points. |
Bafa / バッファBehaves like Boyon. Can pass through soft blocks. 400 points. |
Ojin / オジンMoves slowly and aimlessly. 1000 points. |
Ekutopu / エクトプMoves aimlessly. Can pass through soft blocks. 400 points. |
Gacha / ガチャMoves aimlessly. Will pursue Bomberman on sight. 1000 points. |
Uotan / ウォータンMoves two tiles at a time before pausing for a second. 400 points. |
Boma / ボマBehaves like Ballom, but faster. Will transform into a bomb roughly every 9 seconds; it has a 5-tile blast radius and is invulnerable while in bomb form. 400 points. |
Korisuke / コリスケBehaves like Ballom. Is the fastest enemy in the game. 1000 points. |
Maron / マロンMoves slowly and aimlessly. Will periodically charge in one direction at a faster speed, unable to turn until it hits an obstacle. |
page last modified: 24/10/2012 |