Collect them, trade them, play with them, battle with them - there's been stacks of Bomberman cards over the years, some mere collectibles, some complex battle games! There's almost too many cards to keep track of; as of this writing this page has barely scratched the surface. Sometime, surely...!
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A boxed set of cards released by Central Hobby (セントラルホビー) in March 1993 [src], sold for 1500 Yen. Otherwise a bit of a mystery! ![]() [if anyone in the audience knows more about these, get in touch!] |
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A series of battle cards depicting characters, items and enemies from Super Bomberman, released by Takara (タカラ) in April 1993 [src] under their Colleca (コレカ) banner. Character cards feature a HP value and attribute on the front, and a description and radar graph on their statistics on the back; item cards can alter stats or deal damage. If that's too complicated, all cards also feature a Janken (or rock-paper-scissors) move on their top corner. |
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A series of 33 trading cards based off the Bomberman B-Daman and B-Daman Bakugaiden series of toys, released in 1995 and 1996 by Takara under their Colleca banner. Cards feature dynamic photographs of the toys and their dimensions on the front, with a description and a radar graph of their statistics. Sold in packs of 11 (ten normal and one foil) for 200 Yen. | (src: timetrip2000) |
1 | しろボンバーマン White Bomberman |
12 | ボンバーキッド Bomber Kid |
23 | タイガーボンバーメイル Tiger Bomber Mail |
2 | くろボンバーマン Black Bomberman |
13 | メタルボンバー Metal Bomber |
24 | ペガサスボンバーメイル Pegasus Bomber Mail |
3 | あおボンバーマン Blue Bomberman |
14 | メキシカンボンバー Mexican Bomber |
25 | ファルコンボンバーメイル Falcon Bomber Mail |
4 | あかボンバーマン Red Bomberman |
15 | ガッタイダー Gattaider |
26 | クリアあおボンバーマン Clear Blue Bomberman |
5 | みどりボンバーマン Green Bomberman |
16 | ケラトボンバーメイル Kerat Bomber Mail |
27 | クリアあかボンバーマン Clear Red Bomberman |
6 | ゴールデンボンバーマン Golden Bomberman |
17 | バットボンバーメイル Bat Bomber Mail |
28 | クリアみどりボンバーマン Clear Green Bomberman |
7 | プラズマボンバー Plasma Bomber |
18 | シーラボンバーメイル Coela Bomber Mail |
29 | グリフォンメイル Griffon Mail |
8 | プレインボンバー Brain Bomber |
19 | ハリケーンボンバーメイル Hurricane Bomber Mail |
30 | ボンバーソアラー Bomber Soarer |
9 | マグネットボンバー Magnet Bomber |
20 | トルネードボンバーメイル Tornado Bomber Mail |
31 | ボンバーランダー Bomber Lander |
10 | ゴーレムボンバー Golem Bomber |
21 | クリアしろボンバーマン Clear White Bomberman |
32 | ボンバーダイバー Bomber Diver |
11 | プリティボンバー Pretty Bomber |
22 | クリアくろボンバーマン Clear Black Bomberman |
33 | スーパーボンバーアーマー Super Bomber Armor |
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Release date unknown, manufacturer unknown, name unknown...! A trading card series split into two categories: collection cards, featuring illustrations with glossy foil frontages (mostly from Panic Bomber W); and game cards, with variants for the four colours of Bomberman. Players take turns drawing cards and performing the action on its front; whoever has the most cards by the end wins. |
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Collection Card / コレクションカード |
game cards |
1 Japan: flowerbed
2 Jamaica: crab 3 Jamaica: coconut 4 Kenya: hippo 5 Kenya: giraffe |
6 Kenya: crocodile
7 Kenya: elephant 8 England: Loch Ness 9 USA: horseback 10 England: inspector |
11 USA: Statue of Liberty
12 England: knight 13 England: fancy suit 14 Space: shuttle 15 Space: alien |
Geta Kick Remote Control |
Power Bomb Heart Power Glove Speed Up Self-destruct |
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A pack of 54 playing cards decorated with imagery from Super Bomberman 4, released by Showa Note (ショウワノート) in 1996. The instructions apparently describe a game similar to Dobon (also called Page One) [src], but they can be used to play any game requiring four suits. | ![]() (src: atn_ac0104) |
A boxed collection of 92 karuta cards released by Showa Note (ショウワノート) in 1996 [src]. Features two sets of 46 cards, one set with a hiragana letter and imagery from Saturn Bomberman, and the other set with a phrase beginning with that hiragana. A gallery of the cards and other contents can be found on MEGA. |
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A series of trading cards produced by Amada (アマダ), released in 1996 as packs of 12 cards, or boxes of 15 packs. Cards feature characters and illustrations from Super Bomberman 3 and 4, with information about them on the reverse side; either numerical data for enemies or a short sentence for heroes and items. All card also feature a short Bomberman quiz question. | ![]() (src: DragonBomber) |
There are 51 cards in total plus four checklist cards; the first six cards are Laser Cards (レーザーカード), boasting illustrations with reflective foil backdrops. Sold in packs of 12 (11 normal and one Laser Card) for 300 Yen.
You can view a gallery of all the cards on Flickr, courtesy of DragonBomber.
1 | ミサイルマン Missile Man |
18 | スピードアツプ Speed Up |
35 | 無敵スーツ Invincible Suit |
2 | 小魔神 Shoumajin |
19 | 貫通ボム Penetration Bomb |
36 | リモコン Remote Control |
3 | ペツタン Pettan |
20 | ブロック彊遭 Block Pass |
37 | プリティーボンバー Pretty Bomber |
4 | スカンプー Skunp |
21 | 1UP | 38 | ボンバーキッド Bomber Kid |
5 | ボヨヨンベビー Boyoyon Baby |
22 | プロフェッサー・バグラー Professor Bagura |
39 | メタルボンバー Metal Bomber |
6 | フルファイアー Full Fire |
23 | バグラーヘッド(第1段階) Bagura Head (First Form) |
40 | プラズマボンバー Plasma Bomber |
7 | マグネットボンバー Magnet Bomber |
24 | アンゴラー Angora |
41 | メキシカンボンバー Mexican Bomber |
8 | ブレインボンバー Brain Bomber |
25 | センチビート Centibeetle |
42 | ボンバーコサック Bomber Cossack |
9 | ボンバーウッホ Bomber Uhho |
26 | ボムアツプ Bomb Up |
43 | ゴーレムボンバー Golem Bomber |
10 | ファイアー Fire |
27 | ロケッティア・ジョー Rocketeer Joe |
44 | ボンバーチュン Bomber Chun |
11 | ハンマーボンバー Hammer Bomber |
28 | ハグハグ Haguhagu |
45 | ドグーンJr. Dogun Jr. |
12 | ガメフライ Gamefry |
29 | ハー卜 Heart |
46 | グリーンルーイ Green Louie |
13 | ボンバー寺ン Bomberman |
30 | スイム Swim |
47 | ボンバーグレート Great Bomber |
14 | ジェットボンバー Jet Bomber |
31 | ゲタ Geta |
48 | レディボンバー Lady Bomber |
15 | ボンバーバズーカ Bomber Bazooka |
32 | タイマー Timer |
49 | ドクーン Dogun |
16 | マシンダー Machineda |
33 | パワーグローブ Power Glove |
50 | ドクロ Skull |
17 | パックンガー Pakkunga |
34 | ボムキック Bomb Kick |
51 | ボム通過 Bomb Pass |
Two one-off sets of Top Trumps-inspired cards included as free gifts in Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK. Players choose a stat to compare, and the player with the highest numerical value wins their opponent's card, until one player has all the cards. The two sets use different stats. The first set was packed in with issue 63, dated December 1997. It uses promotional art from Baku Bomberman, and is perhaps one of the few sources to claim how tall Bomberman is, at 135cm; the magazine assures us "each star's height has been accurately supplied by coders at Nintendo and Rare." |
The second set was packed in with issue 114, dated March 2002, and uses a render from Bomberman Tournament. His Nintendo debut is pegged at 1991 because Europe skipped over Bomberman in favour of Bomberman II.
You can read more about these cards at Random Hoo Haas (Nintendo All-Star Battle Cards and Batman Vs. Tarzan and ONM Remembered (#67 and #70).
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A series of collectible stickers that can be used in a competitive card game, published by Renzokuatari (連続当) in 1997. [src] |
A competitive trading card game in September 1998.
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A series of collectible stickers released on October 1998 by Media Factory that come in three categories: scenario stickers, featuring screen captures from the anime with a description of the events on the reverse side. Base stickers, an original image of the heroes or villains, and Version Up (バージョンアップ) stickers, translucent images of either a character's mail armour, companion or their B-Da Armour. |
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The Version Up stickers are intended to be applied atop of a base card to assemble a diorama of characters, B-Da Armor or armour upgrades. The first layer is dubbed and usually applies the character's B-Der Armor, while the second layer, Final Version Up (ファイナルバージョンアップ), adds their respective mech or animal companion.
Sold in packs of eight stickers for 100 Yen (containing 5 scenario stickers, 2 Version Up stickers and 1 base sticker).
001 | ? | 002 | Shirobom しろボン |
003 | Kurobom くろボン |
004 | Akabom あかボン |
005 | ? | 006 | Aobom あおボン |
007 | Aobom あおボン |
008 | Aobom あおボン |
009 | Kiirobom きいろボン |
010 | Kiirobom きいろボン |
011 | Oldbom[?] 老ボン |
012 | Dark Iyami ダークイヤミ |
013 | ? | 014 | Momitebom モミテボン |
015 | Pipo ピポ |
016 | Ponicorn ポニコーン |
017 | ? | 018 | Black Gatlinger ブラックガトリンガー |
019 | Blue Sniper ブルースナイパー |
020 | Hagane-Sohryu 鋼蒼竜 |
021 | Oumuron オウムロン |
022 | ? | 023 | Usagiron ウサギロン |
024 | ? |
025 | ? | 026 | Shirobom しろボン |
027 | Kurobom くろボン |
028 | Kurobom くろボン |
029 | Akabom あかボン |
030 | Akabom あかボン |
031 | Aobom あおボン |
032 | ? |
033 | ? | 034 | ? | 035 | Tiger ティーゲル |
036 | ? |
037 | Kazemaru カゼ丸 |
038 | Hiryu ヒリュー |
039 | Pipo ピポ |
040 | Lui-Lui ルイールイー |
041 | White Gale ホワイトゲイル |
042 | White Gale ホワイトゲイル |
043 | White Gale II ホワイトゲイルII |
044 | White Gale II ホワイトゲイルII |
045 | Black Cluster ブラッククラスター |
046 | Red Buster レッドバスター |
047 | Blue Sniper ブルースナイパー |
048 | Yellow Shooter イエローシューター |
049 | Yellow Shooter イエローシューター |
050 | ? | 051 | Shirobom しろボン |
052 | Kurobom くろボン |
053 | Hiryu ヒリュー |
054 | Lui-Lui ルイールイー |
055 | White Gale II ホワイトゲイルII |
056 | Black Cluster ブラッククラスター |
057 | Hagane-Sohryu 鋼蒼竜 |
058 | Kurogane-Byakko 銕白虎 |
059 | Shirobom しろボン |
060 | Aobom あおボン |
061 | Kiirobom きいろボン |
062 | ? | 063 | Kurobom くろボン |
064 | Mail Shirobom メイルしろボン |
065 | ? | 066 | ? | 067 | ? | 068 | ? |
069 | ? | 070 | ? | 071 | ? | 072 | ? |
073 | ? | 074 | ? | 075 | ? | 076 | Kazemaru カゼ丸 |
077 | Elizabeth エリザベス |
078 | ? | 079 | ? | 080 | Tango タンゴ |
081 | White Blows ホワイトブロス |
082 | ? | 083 | Kurogane-Byakko 銕白虎 |
084 | ? |
085 | ? | 086 | ? | 087 | Mail Akabom メイルあかボン |
088 | ? |
089 | ? | 090 | ? | 091 | ? | 092 | ? |
093 | ? | 094 | Kazemaru カゼ丸 |
095 | Pipo ピポ |
096 | ? |
097 | ? | 098 | ? | 099 | Black Cluster ブラッククラスター |
100 | White Blows ホワイトブロス |
101 | Blue Braiver ブルーブレイバー |
102 | Yellow Crasher イエロークラッシャー |
103 | Flare Dragon フレアードラゴン |
104 | ? |
105 | Hagane-Sohryu 鋼蒼竜 |
106 | ? | 107 | ? | 108 | ? |
109 | ? | 110 | ? | 111 | Lui-Lui ルイールイー |
112 | White Blows ホワイトブロス |
113 | Blue Braiver ブルーブレイバー |
114 | Yellow Crasher イエロークラッシャー |
115 | Tsubasu-Suzaku 翼朱雀 |
116 | ? |
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Manufacturer unknown, year of release unknown. A series of game cards released only in Taiwan, where players battle using characters from Bomberman Wars and... enemies from Bomberman Quest!? ![]() [it's a long shot, but if anyone knows anything else about these, do write in!] |
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A competitive trading card game by Konami.
page last modified: 25/06/2018 |