Japanese manual
Download here (7.5MB Zip file), or view on MEGA.
European manual
Download here (9MB Zip file), or view on MEGA. Thanks to Steamy Jimmy for the scans!
Hudson Soft's official page for the game that's entirely Flash-based. One can assume it hyped up the various game modes and whatnot, but since only the base menu is archived, none of the other 'pages' are available. Woe!
A simple promotional page with some screenshots.
Another promotional page, this time with more words and even a video!
It's certainly childish - your mission is to blow stuff up and, er, that's it - but it's also: a) fun; b) frequently bloody difficult; and c) got that "oh, just one more go" level of addiction down pat.
Dated February 10th 2009, reviewed by Neil Davey. Awarded 4 out of 5 stars.
Dengeki Nintendo DS (デンゲキニンテンドーDS) December 2008
Some one-page coverage shilling the upcoming game and its unique features.
Weekly Famitsu
[what issue was this in, and does anyone have a scan?]
Awarded 27 out of 40. [src]
Transcribed from the European version.
Lead Game Designer
Gen Suzuki
Lead Programmer
Hajime Hosokawa
Katsuhiko Hosogai
Kimio Kizaki
Akihide Tanimura
Yasukazu Majima
Level Designer
Osamu Oe
Concept Artist
2D Character Designer
Osamu Oe
Etusi Nisiura
2D Graphic Designer
Tetsuhide Iwakaki
Koji Wajima
Visual Designer
Hidenori Nishioka
Game Designer
Gen Suzuki
Yasukazu Majima
Assistant Game Designer
Hidenori Nishioka
Hajime Hosokawa
Sound Director
Keita Hoshi
Shohei Bando
Sound Designer
Shinya Watabe
Koji Mizugichi
Sound Manager
Osamu Narita
Creative Services
Haruki Mitani
Yuki Maruyama
Rieko Knickerbocker
Publishing Support
Tomotaka Motoyoshi
Production Supervisor
Kazuhiko Nonaka
Mastering Team
Kuniaki Kinoshita
Yasutaka Kakiseko
Masato Tobisawa
Tsuyoshi Nakagawa
Tetsuya Komatsu
Takahito Nakagawa
Syota Takahashi
Takashi Fuse
Special Thanks to:
Michihiro Ishiduka
Hidetoshi Endo
Kunji Katsuki
Masanori Wake
Hiroyuki Mikami
Hiromi Tomisawa
Kenji Kikuchi
Product Manager
Shinichi Kawahara
Gen Suzuki
Senior Producer
Kentaro Murayama