Title (Japanese)ボンバーマン爆烈大図鑑Title (translation)Bomberman Bakuretsu Great Book |
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Pages128 PublisherKodansha (講談社) ISBN-104061033034 ISBN-139784061033030 Published20 September 1996 (JP) |
Contents | |
3 | CMキャラバン全国制覇
Caravan Commercial National Conquest |
11 | ボンバーマン大集合!!
Grand Bomberman Roll-Call!! |
19 | オール敵キャラ超図鑑
All Baddies Super Field Guide |
72 | アイテムコレクション
Item Collection |
73 | BOMBERMANヒストリー
Bomberman History |
105 | 秘裏技・パスワード全集
Secret Tricks & Passwords Compendium |
114 | グッズ&カードカタログ
Goods & Card Catalogue |
120 | ボンバーマン爆烈クイズ
Bomberman Bakuretsu Quiz |
124 | キャラクターリスト
Character List |
Roughly translated as "Bomberman Explosive Great Book". Numbered #103 in the Comic Bom Bom Special mook (コミックボンボンスペシャル ムック) series of books, which were colourful reference guides to various children's franchises, including Gundam, Mega Man and more. The following games are covered in its enemy guide and tips sections:
Over half the book is dedicated to enemy data and tactics from the games above, though it also serves as a more general purpose guide to Bomberman, with character information, a series history, and even promoting some tie-in merchandise, on shelves now!
A fold-out page highlighting the various Japanese landmarks visited in Bomberman TV commercials from 1994 to 1996.
A quick guide to Bomberman's allies and supporting cast from Saturn Bomberman and Super Bomberman 3, as well as a couple of vehicles.
A reference guide for bosses and stage enemies from the games listed above, with basic strategies for defeating them and the amount of hits they require to defeat. This section is notable for featuring rare artwork of bosses from Super Bomberman and Super Bomberman 2, featuring a modern art style suggesting it was created exclusively for this book.
A one-page guide to twenty common items found throughout the series.
A retrospective on all of the major video game releases, including Bomberman, Bomber King, Bomber Boy and the PC Engine games, ending at Panic Bomber W. The home computer and arcade releases are ignored.
Contains a variety of passwords for the games listed above.
A brief section spotlighting some then-current merchandise, including the SEGA Saturn SBOM Joycard and SBOM Multitap, a visual checklist for the Trading Collection cards, and a selection of Sugegoma toys and add-ons.
A 16-question quiz that tests your knowledge of Bomberman minutiae. Can you name these bosses and identify what Louie has this particular ability? Your score is graded at the end; if you answer none of them correctly, it asks if you're even a Bomberman fan. The cheek of it!
An index pointing to the pages for individual character and enemy listings.
page last modified: 26/05/2018 |