ONM Remembered – #447

Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – #447

“A cracking shooter.”

from Official Nintendo Magazine issue 132 (September 2003)

Shinji Mikami’s Capcom Five was an ambitious project, a series of five games all under one man’s directorial control and developed exclusively for the GameCube for GameCube and PS2 (gotta recoup those costs!!). Capcom were putting out some real gangbuster titles in the early 2000s, and Resident Evil 4 and Viewtiful Joe were certainly among them. The rest… well, they were imaginative, you can give them that much credit. I can’t imagine we’d ever see a project like this in future – it’s an anomaly for any video game company to develop five titles at once nowadays, never mind them all under one man’s creative control.

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