ONM Remembered – Staff Week, day 5

Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – Staff Week, day 5

“We’re sure you’ll agree that the mag’s looking hotter than Buffy after an hour-long, leather-clad vampire-slaying mission!”

from Nintendo Pro issue 33 (2000)

One thing Nintendo Pro didn’t hide was that it was staffed entirely by grossly-proportioned photoshop monstrosities. A whopping twelve people made this magazine… and we learn absolutely nothing about them. No interesting bios, no job descriptions, just the abbreviated titles of their favourite Nintendo games.

This probably wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t give reserve the Ritz-Carlton treatment for the Nintendo Pro Characters. Boasting nifty little vector art, a quick run-down of their schtick and more shilling than any of the real flesh and blood behind the mag’s publication. It must suck a little to get snubbed in favour of a cartoon canine… though I’d be honoured to be on the same page as F’real Seal.

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