ONM Remembered – Pack-In Week, day 1

Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 11:00 am Comments Off on ONM Remembered – Pack-In Week, day 1

Mario Kart 64 is the first N64 racing game to be released in the UK and, not surprisingly, it’s a cracker.”

from Mario Kart 64 Skids In! (pack-in with Official Nintendo Magazine issue 58, July 1997)

I gushed about my first ever issue of ONM over a year ago and how it spurred me into a Mario Kart 64 fever… and I don’t think the fact they made a pack-in booklet just for its review (and Wargods strategies!) helped stifle that obsession. The tips section afterwards is pretty blah and the review itself is a little nonexistent, but these first few pages are a beaut – look at those lovely renders! Check out the pop on those colours! Mario Kart 64 had some great scene renders, but the image on the back is a particular favourite. Even if the tips and tricks were lousy, you could always count on ONM for neato graphic design.

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