Raw parts extracted using RippyK, assembled versions ripped from in-game using KEmulator and Cheat Engine. Search for hex "1E" when idle in robot mode, then "10" as moving truck, then "26" as idle truck. this should get 2 addresses with identical values. 1st value seems to swap animations safely 2nd value often causes game to freeze changing to gun mode changes values. different sprite obj? optimus animations 0 idle gun 1 2 walk 3 transition to jump FREEZE 4 DISAPPEAR, FREEZE 5 jump FREEZE 6 legs FREEZE 7 transition to fall 8 9 fall a b punch 1 c punch 2 d punch 3 e gun mode - up-high f gun mode - up-low 10 truck drive 11 truck fall 12 truck land 13 transform into truck 14 transform from truck 15 shoulder-charge 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d hurt 1E idle 1f 20 21 22 block 23 death 24 ? 25 FREEZE 26 truck idle 27 28 29 victory 2A 2B FREEZE 2C gun mode 2D punch? 2E FREEZE