A cute little boy Wanna play with me?
What do you want? Just leave me alone...
Wrong attitude kid! Boys like you... Should be scrubbing my floor.
Scrub your floor? What're you saying? I don't find that funny.
You stay here Clean my bathroom I want it spotless.
Cool outfit! I really like it But mine're better.
You don't say You into clothes? Got many?
Of course... Just designer clothes... Of the top quality.
Oh I'm the same way Your clothes Can I have the whole lot?
No way! They only fit me My perfect body...
Hi fairy! You have a Magic Gem How nice...
Yes I do But you can't have it It's my treasure.
Wow! Cool! You can talk! Impressive! And you're so small.
You're making fun of me Because I'm so small.
As of now, You're my pet and servant. So work!
Come here cutie I'll tell you a secret Don't be afraid.
No don't bother I'm into science Nothing else interests me.
Your cold attitude... It turns me on Does science do that to you?
You wanna know? You really wanna know? No regrets, OK?
Not good enough I'll teach you... From square one.
Who do we have here? Potion sellers! Cute little twins!
Need a pheromone potion? Lures men to you Works like magic.
No thanks I'm a love hunter Maybe when I'm 64...
Hmm a bit stingy, she looked Cute twins........ ................ I .................. ......... I...
Took you single-handed, You're no match for me.
Cute little thing! And so small What are you doing alone?
Don't scare me like that! Almost stopped my heart... And I'm not small...
Really? You've got a cute pet Can I have it?
No way! My Kumi-kumi? You got no decency!
Well now... Time to go home... My little one.
Ooh.. A muscle man Hold me in your arms...
By Jove! What a nice figure! Absolutely! I'll hold you anytime!
You're so manly.... And your fabulous Magic Gem Give it to me honey.
Aha! You want the gem! Approached me for the gem, eh! I'll give you a lesson!!!
Thought you'd be stronger. Go to a gym and work out.
Hello there Have we met before? Maybe not.
What? I'm Shyst... Don't you remember?
Oh? We met? Hmm... Must've long ago...
Sorry... Could be my mistake... You look so much like her.
Anyway. I'm taking that gem. I won't forget.
You look so soft I wanna cuddle you Must feel nice.
Bibin! Babibobi! (You're Ribin, aren't you? Come to your senses!)
Can't you talk human? I can't understand you Not a word.
Bobibabibobobibu (Likewise...)
Nothing impresive From today you're my cushion.
Let's see here Where did we meet? You're so sexy.
What're you babling about? I don't know you.
That's not nice I don't like you You turn me off.
Get outa my sight But that Magic Gem That you leave with me.
Yes! Got another one Another Magic Gem.