I'd like to say Ruin Explorers is one of those. Everybody knows about Slayers, even though it's almost impossible to watch the series now without losing a leg and a half's worth of weight in gold, and other fantasy anime such as Rune Soldier and Record of the Lodoss War may be brought up in such conversation. But who talks about Ruin Explorers? It's got tits and a catgirl, man. It could've been big
Apparently based off a manga that ran in RPG Magazine in 1992 that has no information at all on the internet, Ruin Explorers is about the quest for the Ultimate Power, as the subtitle suggests. Although beginning as simply a barely-explained ploy for revenge on Ihrie's part, having had a curse put upon her when magic is used, it soon dips into anime tradition by being big and dark and nasty, a power-mad former-priest-now-villain wanting his grubby magical mitts on it. Being four episodes in length, the first two are primarily there to have a bit of light-hearted fun and character development, and then the last two delve deeper into the darker storyline. This means it doesn't pull an Escaflowne and outstay it's welcome, but...
That's as far as this argument goes, because the OVA is still relatively entertaining on its own without a dire need for the source material.
But as much as I'd like to do it, putting as much work into it as I could, would it really change much? Everyone's still going to be lusting over Death Note or Naruto or whatever the cool kids watch these days that I'm simply too cranky to get into. Nobody wants good old magic and swashbuckling in this day and age. And I weep.
Check it out! |
Intro and ending songs! I imagine at one point in history they were released as longer songs, but I don't think we're ever going to see those.
OP (TV size): Magical Beat!
OP (full): Magical Beat!
ED: DEAR MYSELF - A Time Capsule To Myself