Unused Graphics
Metal Slug 4 has a substantial amount of recycled graphics, both in-game and as leftovers in the graphic tiles, with stuff even from the first game. Heck, it even recycles stuff from a King of Fighters game!
source: 2560 (8x8)
No, seriously, King of Fighters! There's fonts, mugshots, names and other miscellaneous HUD-related graphics stored in the 8x8 tiles. This is just a sample, but it fills up a sizeable portion of the 8x8 tiles.
source: 81013
This "famous photo" is found alongside the graphics of Metal Slug 4's two new item, the Dual Machine Gun and monkey serum.
It's mentioned on both the English and Japanese arcade flyers (thanks to Metal-Geo for first pointing it out years ago!), but doesn't show up anywhere as far as I know. Enomosiki suggests it was intended to unlock the art gallery in the home ports, but why would they advertise that in the arcade?
source: 169077
Nadia eating a candy bar. Clearly intended to be an idle animation, but Nadia only reuses Eri's bubblegum chewing, and her only idle stances when carrying the Heavy Machine Gun or Dual Machine Gun are shivering and sweating.
This eventually found use in Metal Slug Defense and Attack.
source: 118999
This animation was originally used for the Ajirabian soldiers bouncing off of awnings in Metal Slug 2; it's been converted for the pirates, but has no use here.
source: 119111
They even converted the unused lunge attack, and still found no use for it! Credit goes to Divison 六 for these discoveries.
source: 145791
A hazmat soldier throwing a pipe bomb; they throw the traditional pineapples in-game. This is edited from the unused sprite from the original Metal Slug, and it's not the only one!
source: 146362
In-game they just borrow the regular soldiers' animations, but these are based off the original burning animations way back in the first Metal Slug!
source: 146945
Yet another unused sprite of an unused sprite, of a hazmat soldier knifing while laughing. The slight lift of the head and the eyes lighting up are what distinguish it from the knife animation used in-game. Thanks to Division 六 for pointing this out to me!
source: 150515
The Toschka Dalanue's cannon in Mission 2 has the right-facing angles converted from Metal Slug 2's Big Shiee, even though you can only stand on its left side. Thanks to Division 六.
source: 195625
The Morden robot from Mission 6 jumping. It only walks along the ground in-game. Thanks to Division 六.
source: 183405
The lumberjack from Mission 2 standing with an axe. There's no animation to transition into sitting or running, so this guy probably would've just been decorative.
source: 186369 (Marco)
source: 188342 (Trevor)
source: 190681 (Nadia)
source: 192870 (Fio)
The monkey forms all borrow Utan's running animation, but you're only capable of moving at a glacial pace. What a swindle.
source; 208229
An alternate top for the Sea Satan (Mission 4's boss), complete with varying states of damage... but it looks nothing like the final product. Likely redesigned to serve as a bigger platform when it submerges. Cheers to Divison 六 for this discovery.
source; 210406
For some reason, Eri's drown animation is located near some of Fio's. It's not even the proper drown animation, but it actually one without the oxygen tank on her back, that is unused.
source: 221567
This would've been used for Tarma kicking open the door of the truck he rides in during Mission 1's upper path, but alas, the truck simply appears with the door already open, and him crouching and shooting.
source: 221829
This is used in the game, but it's mostly obscured by the helicopter and "Mission Complete" or "Mission # Start" text. So there's really little point for it being here.
source: 235500
The entire rear half of Mission 1's blimp goes unseen in-game, meaning we never see the tail fin in either its pristine or damaged states. Cheers to The Huntress for sharing this.
source: 233148, 233484, 234646
Found alongside the graphics for the blimp's armaments is this cannon, repurposed from the the Tetsuyuki (the first boss of Metal Slug) with laser fire lifted from the Keesi II's turbines. Assuming it functioned like the Keesi, it'd be an odd fit for the blimp unless it had a way of moving around. Cheers to The Huntress for the find.
It's not unused graphics or anything, but Enomosiki brought it to my attention with this image, and it's interesting so I thought I'd throw it in here.

Whatever Metal Slug 4 didn't recycle, it frankenstein'd. The sad truth.
Trying to record every leftover graphic in the game's data would be a nightmare, but damned if I didn't try!
800 (8x8) | KOF fonts (continues to 4080) |
6912 (8x8) | winners dont use drugs |
9216 (8x8) | monkey loading |
11264 (8x8) | MSX demo logo |
17184 (8x8 | more KOF stuff ( a repeat?) |
511 | Arabian soldiers & Abbul Abbas (MS2) |
3077 | bus (MS2) |
23609 | flying fish (MS3) |
24617 | jeep (MS2) |
26605 | villagers (MS1) |
27249 | Mission 1 objects (MS1) |
27758 | merchant & baby (MS2) |
28990 | Mission 1 Bomb font (MS2) |
29233 | Mission 2 objects (MS2) |
29612 | Parker (MS2) |
36989 | hovercraft (MS2) |
40167 | Mars People (MS2) |
70155 | Morden's helicopter (MS1) |
73417 | whale (MS2) |
76035 | frogmen (MS1) |
78398 | ending graphics (MS1) |
78861 | unused cat (MSX) |
101218 | Mission 2's big fish (MS1) |
113538 | snail (MS3) |
116198 | turret (MS1) |
116516 | scarab (MS2) |
117332 | unused soldier cut-in-half animation (MSX) |
159262 | Morden imposter (MS3) |
160978 | Morden tortured (MS3) |
161208 | frozen soldiers (MS3) |
209920 | menu (MS1) |
209448 | captured soldiers (MS1) |
211052 | fio stabbed (MS2) |
211385 | fio frozen, drowning, skeleton (MS3) |