Unused Graphics

There’s barely anything unused graphic-wise in Metal Slug 3, which is a shame.

source: ?

This lift appears in an unused area in Mission 2. Not much to say about it, really.

source: 91784

Not actually unused, but an uncommon sighting - thanks to Division 六 for this find. The mini-gun soldiers will jump over the player if they're backed into a corner, using these rarely-seen animations.

source: 156011

Bonus icons exist for the Slug Mariner, Slug Copter, Slug Drill, Elephant and Ostrich... and the Slug Flyer and Camel, leftovers from Metal Slug 2. Using the level select you can complete a stage with the Slug Mariner and Slug Copter, but no such luck for the rest. Thanks to Ernesto Aguirre for the corrected palettes for the Elephant and Ostrich Slugs!

source: 186651 (Marco), 196792 (Tarma), 203365 (Eri), 210305 (Fio)

A variant of the underwater death animations, only without the oxygen tank on their backs.

source: 279176 (Marco), 283095 (Tarma), 286818 (Eri), 290254 (Fio)

The player characters walking and jumping in their diving gear, carrying Heavy Machine Guns. Since you don't carry weapons across from the previous stage, this can't be seen in-game.

Source: 278500

It appears that once, the CEO/president guy, actually RAN. He didn't get carted off by the men in black, but he RAN. Shocking. Palette unchanged from the tile viewer.

Source: 118148

Not unused but merely obscured, as the Japanese soldiers carrying the tanks have full sprites and everything.

Source: 118148

An unused idle animation for the Japanese soldier, similar to the pose used when they turn.

Source: 121103

Division 六 found these crawling animations for the Japanese soldiers! There's no crawl-spaces in their hideout, nor any reason for them to crawl, so... they're unused!

Source: 144324

The large Rebel U25U submarine opening its side hatches, with additional animations for its top hatch open or closed. Presumably for a torpedo or bomb attack, but none of the graphics located near it hint at what exactly. Thanks to Division 六 for finding and ripping these!

Source: 297272 (Marco), 298772 (Tarma), 300690 (Eri), 302387 (Fio)

Zombie players warping down a warp tube. There's no warp tubes in Mission 2, though it seems there was meant to be. Cheers to Division 六 for this!

Source: 293293

Another finding by Division 六: an alternate sign for the Japanese teleport chambers. It reads "exit" (出口), natch, but you're never seen teleporting out of their area.

Source: 308315

Here's a curious one pointed out by Division 六: you can make the zombie soldiers fall down or turn around, but they never stop advancing... in Metal Slug 3. In Metal Slug 4, however, they can't walk through item boxes so this animation can finally be seen!

Domino, Spriterminator, Ivo and Division 六 found these on the 10th Anniversary site; they're not all strictly graphics from MS3, but I'm grouping them as such.

The personnel carrier from dotgraphic44 later made its debut in Metal Slug Attack as "Rebel Van +". Notably, the sprite on the 10th Anniversary site appears to be a work-in-progress version; its door is a flat-shaded rectangle, whereas the sprite here is fully shaded and detailed.

There's a fair amount of leftovers in the graphics data, though.

Location Graphic
48855 Mission 4 vehicles (MS2)
99364 villagers (MS1)
100511 Mission 1 NPCs (MS2)
101965 captive soldiers (MS1, unused)
153772 ending graphics (MS1)
154235 cat (MS2, unused)
160375 cars (MS1)
165577 Mission 4 tanks (MS1)
176198 whale (MS2)
180969 Marco firing backwards (MS1, unused)
181375 Marco firing backwards HMG (MS1, unused)
184521 Marco impaled (MS2)
190831 Tarma firing backwards (MS1, unused)
191085 Tarma firing backwards HMG (MS1, unused)
194801 Tarma impaled (MS2)
199084 Eri eaten by fish (MSX, unused)
201237 Eri impaled (MS2)
205557 Fio eaten by fish (MSX, unused)
208186 Fio impaled (MS2)
220720 man-eating fish (MS1)
251942 level select (MS2 NGCD)
