Missing Areas
Metal Slug X has a ludicrously huge level select in contrast to 2. There's around seventy levels! That's a lot of unused areas, though a lot of them are just warps to certain parts in the levels... though that may imply some interesting design changes were once planned for the game. Read on!
Huge thanks to candy76041820 for the name translations.
コウサに ふかれて Blowin' in the Sand |
1:1 |
さばく Desert |
The desert mission. |
1:2 |
じゅうたんや Carpet shop |
Unused area. This is a room from Metal Slug 3’s fourth mission. |
1:3 |
じゅうたんや かち ふっき Return from carpet shop |
Warp. Start at the three cannon towers. |
1:4 |
さばく ループ Desert loop |
Unused area. An endless desert at day like Metal Slug 2’s. |
1:5 |
さばく ループ かち ふっき Return from desert loop |
Warp. First mission at the truck full of slashing guards. |
いせき いりぐち Monument of Sadness
2:1 |
いせき いりぐち Ruins entrace |
Outside the desert crypt. |
2:2 |
いせき げんば Ruins location |
Entrance of the desert crypt. |
2:3 |
いせき とう Ruins tower |
Last crypt area. |
2:4 |
いせき かいろう Ruins corridor |
Unused area. This is a part of Metal Slug 3’s fourth level. |
2:5 |
かいろう かち ふっき Return from the corridor |
Warp. Start at the first mummy generators. |
2:6 |
つりてんじょう Suspended ceiling |
Unused area. Another part of the fourth mission in Metal Slug 3. |
2:7 |
つりてんじょう かち ふっき Return from the suspended ceiling |
Warp. Start at the first mummy dogs. |
2:8 |
りゅうさ Quicksand |
Unused area. Yet another part of Mission 4 in Metal Slug 3. |
2:9 |
りゅうさ かち ふっき Return from the quicksand |
Warp. Start a little after the first mummy dogs. |
2:A |
いせき せまいへや Chamber of relics |
Unused area. A part of Metal Slug 3’s Mision 4. |
2:B |
せまいへや かち ふっき Return from chamber |
Warp. Further after the last checkpoint type thing. |
2:C |
いせき エレベータ Ruins elevator |
Unused area. Stone lift from Mission 4 of MS3. |
2:D |
エレベータ かち ふっき Return from the elevator |
Warp. Checkpoint at the boss. |
カゼの マドリガル The Wind's Madrigal
3:1 |
わっしゃ Train |
Train level. |
3:2 |
ソララ… Into the sky... |
Unused area. Remnants of Metal Slug 3’s Mission 5’s beginning |
3:3 |
ソラかち ふっき Return from the sky |
Warp. Start at the mini boss. Fat allowed. |
プサンコウに かえれ Return to Pusan
4:1 |
ほんこん しょうてんかい Hong Kong shopping district |
China land. |
4:2 |
ほんこん げすいどう Hong Kong sewers |
Warp. Somewhat endless sewers of Mission 5. |
4:3 |
げすいどう かち ふっき Return from the sewers |
Warp. Checkpoint after the watery area. Fat allowed. |
4:4 |
マンイーター ちかそうこ Maneater den |
Unused area. Area from Mission 4 in Metal Slug 3. |
4:5 |
ちかそうこ かち ふっき Return from the den |
Warp. Same as 4:3. Fat allowed. |
キス・インザ・ダーク Kiss in the Dark
5:1 |
ニューヨーク メインストリート New York Main Street |
City area. |
5:2 |
ニューヨーク ちかてつ New York subway |
Subway train area. Fat allowed. |
5:3 |
ニューヨーク げすいどう New York sewers |
Mutant-filled sewers. |
5:4 |
ニューヨーク ちか New York underground |
Unused area. Metal Slug 3’s snail area in Mission 4. |
アイをイマ しんじていたい Right Now, I Want To Believe In Love
6:1 |
ウエーブばし The wave bridge |
Outside the enemy base. |
6:2 |
キョクチきち Arctic base |
Inside the enemy base. Fat allowed. |
6:3 |
ラスボス Last boss |
Final boss. |
6:4 |
しんかいかいこう The abyssal tour |
Unused area. The submarine path from MS3’s first mission! |
6:5 |
しんかいかいこう かち ふっき Return from the abyssal tour |
Warp. Halfway through the enemy base. Fat allowed. |
ぜったいみつりんたい The Absolute Thick Forest Area
7:1 |
ジャングル Jungle |
Unused area. It’s the first mission of Metal Slug 1! |
7:2 |
ミドルソン ないぶ Inside the Middle-Son |
Unused area. An area from Metal Slug 3’s first mission. |
7:3 |
ミドルソンかち ふっき Return from the Middle-Son |
Unused area. Same MS1 mission, but start at the plane remains. |
7:4 |
だんだんいわ Rock staircase |
Unused area. Another MS3 Mission 4 area. |
7:5 |
だんだんいわ かち ふっき Return from the rock staircase |
Unused area. Same MS1 level, but start at the boss. |
7:6 |
いきていた にほんへい だい1わ Japanese Soldiers who Kept Living, Part 1 |
Unused area. Samurai area from MS3 Mission 4. |
7:7 |
アジトその3 かち ふっき Return from hideout part 1 |
Unused area. Same as 7:5. |
7:8 |
いきていた にほんへい だい2わ Japanese Soldiers who Kept Living, Part 2 |
Unused area. Another chunk of the samurai area from MS3. |
7:9 |
アジトその2 かち ふっき Return from hideout part 2 |
Unused area. Same as 7:5. |
あかつきに カケる A Wish For The Morning Glow
8:1 |
あかつきに かける A Wish For The Morning Glow |
Unused area. It’s the second mission from Metal Slug 1! |
8:2 |
やねのうえ Rooftops |
Unused area. Strange rooftop area. |
8:3 |
やねのうえ かち ふっき Return from the rooftops |
Warp of unused area. At the boss of MS1’s second mission. |
8:4 |
うずしおの むこうがわ Other side of the whirling tides |
Unused area? Stairs of the sewer but scrolling is buggered. |
8:5 |
うずしおかち ふっき Return from the whirling tides |
Unused area. Same as 8:3. |
しの たに Death Valley
9:1 |
しの たに Death Valley |
Unused area. It’s the fourth mission of Metal Slug 1! |
9:2 |
ワワン くら Wine storage |
Unused area. Appears to be a part of MS3’s fourth mission. |
9:3 |
ワワン くち かち ふっき Return from wine storage |
Warp of unused area. Start at the bar of MS1 Mission 4. |
9:4 |
モリを GO!GO!GO! Through the woods, go go go! |
Unused area. Strange endless cavern of sorts. |
9:5 |
モリ かち ふっき Return from woods |
Warp of unused area. Start at the mountains of MS1 Mission 4. |
9:6 |
いきていた にほんへい だい3わ Japanese Soldiers who Kept Living, Part 3 |
Unused area. Endless version of a MS3 Mission 4 segment. |
9:7 |
アジトその3 かち ふっき Return from hideout part 3 |
Warp of unused area. Start at the boss of MS1 Mission 4. |
9:8 |
どうくつを ぬはる Cave exit |
Unused area. Endless version of a part from MS3 Mission 3. |
9:9 |
どうくつかち ふっき Return from the cave |
Warp of unused area. Start a little bit before 9:7. |
ジゴクの てっきへい Iron Cavalrymen In Hell
A:1 |
じごくの てっきへい Iron Cavalrymen In Hell |
Unused area. It’s the third mission from Metal Slug 1! |
A:2 |
ちょぞうこ1 Bunker 1 |
Unused area. Small little snowy wasteland. |
A:3 |
ちょぞうこ1 かち ふっき Return from bunker 1 |
Unused area. Same as A:1 |
A:4 |
ドラムかんゾーン Drum-can Zone |
Unused area. Start of Mission 6, but it’s empty and the only the first platform is there. |
A:5 |
ドラムかんゾーンかち ふっき Return from drum-can zone |
Warp of unused area. Start at the enemy camp of MS1 Mission 3. |
A:6 |
ちょぞうこ2 Bunker 2 |
Unused area. Same as A:2. |
A:7 |
ちょぞうこ2 かち ふっき Return from bunker 2 |
Unused area. Same as A:1. |
A:8 |
ヒミツこうじょう Secret factory |
Unused area. Part of Mission 3 from Metal Slug 3, with random objects appearing. |
A:9 |
こうじょう かち ふっき Return from factory |
Unused area. Same as A:5. |
あっせい とし The City Under Despotism
B:1 |
あっせい とし The City Under Despotism |
Unused area. It’s Mission 5 from Metal Slug 1! |
おもひでの うみ The Memorial Sea
C:1 |
おもひでの うみ The Memorial Sea |
Unused area. And finally, it’s Mission 6 from Metal Slug 1! |
C:2 |
ダチョウ だいちょうやく Great jumping ostriches |
Unused area. This is an area from MS3’s third mission. |
C:3 |
ダチョウ イリア かち ふっき Return from ostrich area |
Warp of unused area. MS1 Mission 6, start at the island. |
| えんでぃんぐ てすと Ending test
D:1 |
エンドロール End Roll |
Ending. |
Thankfully, Metal Slug X's test stages are somewhat more interesting than Metal Slug 2’s.
ANDY THE WIZARD is Mission 1 with a variety of items to get, including a prisoner who gives you an Armour Piercer, another Armour Piercer, a Shotgun, a Rocket Launcher, a Flame Shot, a Laser Gun, an Enemy Chaser, and a Girida-O.
MEEHER is the beginning of Mission 5, but with a Camel Slug and a rocket that’s flying backwards at the beginning, and when you reach the other side of the screen, several mummy dogs and a runaway camel appear.
YOKO-SHU is Mission 4 with various random things appearing in it, such as the credits, two relaxing soldiers, some Metal Slug 1 enemies (mainly just cannons and outposts).

ナミひら is a mostly empty version of the second part of Mission 6, with the only things in it being an unlimited number of Slugnoids at the beginning, and several soldiers along the way.
アリタ is Mission 1 with sword throwing arabs instead of rebel soldiers, and along the way a line of flashing tank shells appears, as well as a square made out of coins and near the end items start being thrown out of your character.
NISHINO is Mission 4, and with a variety of items to grab. There’s a Shotgun, pulse Shotgun, Super Grenade, Iron Lizard, Laser Gun, pulse Laser Gun, Drop Shot, pulse Rocket Launcher, Fire Bomb, pulse Heavy Machine Gun, and a Rocket Launcher. There are also a large amount of enemies, including some from Metal Slug 3!
NAKATSUKA is the first mission, with no objects or music until you reach where the three towers are, where a helicopter come down, and you fight General Morden like you do in Metal Slug 1. After you beat him, he falls out of the helicopter, and the mission is completed.
TAGUCHI is an empty version of Mission 2’s third section, only occupied by a Slug Flyer, two soldiers, and an endless amount of crab items from Metal Slug 3. Near the end, an endless number of coins and mummy jars fly out to your character’s left.
There are no unused stages in Metal Slug 2, disappointingly, but Metal Slug X has a whopping number of 58 unused areas! And even better, is that they’re actually interesting!
Quite a few levels are from different games, so if there are two screenshots, the one on the left is from Metal Slug X, while the right image will be from the game the level appears in.
There are a large number of selections that are just warps to partway through a level; their names appear to suggest they were planned as alternate routes in not only Metal Slug X's stages, but those of the original Metal Slug! Although the warp rooms clearly state where you would have exited from, there's only a few concrete clues to where you would have entered them from.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
This is an area from Metal Slug 3 (4:4 2-1, to be precise), but alas, there’s no objects, nor an exit. It appears that when it was used in Metal Slug 3, they mirrored the room, added in the staircase and removed the background from the windows.
The exit puts you at this window before the three cannon towers. I can't peg where the entrance might be with certainty.
This is the desert area, but at morning, just like Metal Slug 2. Unlike Metal Slug 2 is that it goes on seemingly forever, and there’s no scenery or anything interactive. You don’t leave footprints in the sand, but there are some mighty fine effects on it, like sand being blown about and haziness and stuff. It’s cool.
If you could exit, you would have warped in before the truck full of swordsmen.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
The sand-shifting slope from Metal Slug 3 is here (4:E 4-4), but of course, there’s no obstacles. There’s some very minor edits:The whole room has been recoloured (obviously), but the MS3 version has alternate or less details:
The MSX version has a block nearest the bottom with an eye on it, but in MS3 it’s merely a circle.
The block next to that has a duck in it, but the version in the finished product is a fancy shape, possibly a flower.
The block in the bottom corner has three symbols on it, but when brought into MS3, it lost the third symbol.
The block above that one has what looks like the German comic character Werner in a
Batman outfit, but it’s more like a scribble of lines in MS3.
The block to the left of that has a squiggly line and a dot in MSX, but it’s changed to a squiggly line with a dot on the end in MS3.
The stone head in the background looks content and happy in MSX, but looks like a frightened Chris Tucker in MS3.
A block above that head has another squiggly line + dot design in MSX, but was changed into a circle or eye in the sequel.
There’s a block further to the left of that one; it has what looks like a question mark, or a walking stick on it, but it was mostly erased in MS3.
They’re not major differences, but it’s interesting to see what they changed.
The exit deposits you before the mummy dogs. I can't imagine these exits were given much thought.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
Another MS3 level (4:D 4-3), this is the area with tons of items, but the door opens to reveal a bunch of that crazy exploding moths. The only differences appear to be the inclusion of a door and obstacles, and the area made less colourful.
The exit would put you a few steps forward from the last one.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
An early version of the stone lift (4:10 4-6), seemingly endless. All they did was recolour it.
This would drop you off before the stage boss if it ended.
This appears to be remnants of the flying part of Metal Slug 3 (5:2 1-1); once you reach the sky part, your character dies for no apparent reason, and an explosion occurs at the top left corner. Strange.
Its alleged exit would put you at the mid-stage boss.
It’s just like the sewer areas from Mission 5, but there’s no obstacles, and you can only go so far before an invisible wall blocks your path.
It's meant to exit you before the UFOs appear.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
This is the area where you gather batteries for the exit from Metal Slug 3 (4:B 4-1). There’s quite a few changes, such as a computer terminal in MSX replaced with boxes, the platforms risen, and boxes given, taken, and rearranged. The grime in the background was redrawn, and a few pipes were added in.
The exit is identical to the last one.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
This is the mutated bug area from Metal Slug 3’s fourth mission (4:8 3-1). Pretty much the entire place was redone, with tons more detail added in.
In MS3, the area changes flashes slowly and gradually, but this is a lot more blatant about it, making the flashing fast and obvious.
Yeah, that's the most detail I can go into. Have a map!
There is no exit warp associated with this room.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
The underwater path from Mission 1, Metal Slug 3, complete with Slug Mariner! (1:2 2-1) There doesn’t seem to be much changed in graphics, they just added in a few things and changed the colours of when you drive closer to the bottom. They added in a few “balconies” for prisoners and boxes, and additional details were added to the jellyfish caves and eel cages.
The level ends once you reach the bottom, where you’ll die if you drive to the bottom.
As for the Slug Mariner, it seems rather complete, aside from a few things. It’s gun doesn’t shoot the “floaty” bullets, and goes in a straight line just like the turrets of the Metal Slug and Slug Copter. It’s bomb appears complete, but since there’s no solid ground here, you can’t see what it’s explosions look like; it also has the wrong word in the HUD (“cannon” instead of “missile”).
However, you cannot exit the vehicle, nor can you Slug Charge with it. When it explodes, instead of your character playing the drown animation, they fly out as if above water, even though the drowning animation is in the game.
The exit would put you in the final stretch of the base's interior.
Does this look familiar? It should, as it’s the first mission from Metal Slug! Besides missing all its enemies and obstacles, it's otherwise somewhat operational with the reflections in the water, the stone traps, even the little fish you can shoot the flesh off of! It also has a Slug Flyer parked right at the beginning, which is great.
The only notable quirks are the camera is positioned lower than usual, the soldiers that emerge from the huts can only run in place, and flying the Slug Flyer through the Middleson's hull triggers the flashing effect normally used for weapons fire.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
This is yet another part of Mission 4 from Metal Slug 3, a part of the upper path. (4:2 1-2) Apart from the typical design changes (the MSX version is unfinished after all), the only change appears to be the removal of the trees and lowering of the background.
This would exit you before the stage boss.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
Aha, the samurai caves! (4:7 2-4) These are from MS3, and there are no major differences. Slight colour changes, minor additions, like that rock there.
The exit is the same as last time.
Starts you a little more into the samurai cave.
The exit is the same as last time.
The second mission from the first Metal Slug! It gives you access to both the Slug Flyer and, shockingly, the Slug Copter, which wouldn't debut until the next game! There's a few minor differences with it, though: Most of its sounds are missing, it's vulcan cannon changes colour when facing certain directions and fires the same bullets as the Slug Flyer, rather than its oval ones, and its bombs fall straight down instead of at an angle.
The level is largely vacant of obstacles and enemies, though some soldiers rolling snowballs (from MS1's third mission) appear on the bridge. There are soldiers in rubber rings with bazookas under the bridge as expected, though they can't destroy the bridge; the fourth one is notable because it only fires diagonally, using an unused animation from the first game! It submerges after a few shots or if you get too close. Cheers to ZeroTheEro for this discovery!
The mini-boss is still present and functional, and there's a newly-added second staircase to the boardwalk afterward, though walking up it trap you as the screen refuses to scroll up; a possible entrance to the 8:2? To proceed normally you have to crawl beneath the staircase, allowing you to reach the boss arena, which auto-scrolls but has no boss or moving platform.
This is the sewer area, just before the staircase. Sound normal? The catch is that the vertical scrolling isn’t working, and you’re trapped; teleporting the player beyond it just presents another dead-end staircase. There’s also some downright dodgy tile placement, such at the pipe with two middles and that bit at the edge there.
Its exit is the same as last time.
It’s the fourth mission from Metal Slug 1, but it claims to be the third! The third mission isn’t excluded, it’s in A:1.
As usual, you’re given access to a Slug Flyer and Slug Copter, but this level seems rather buggered up. For starters, there’s an infinite number of soldiers storming you from the right side of the screen; second, the destructible cliffs are missing, making the background have large chunks missing. And aside from the vehicles and soldiers, the level is empty.
This is another level that isn’t used anywhere else; it’s a cliff, but with openings in the cliff to show more cliffs.
This would exit you at the start of the mountain range.
Mission 3 from Metal Slug, though the game says it’s the fourth mission! This gives you access to a Slug Copter and Slug Flyer (as usual), and appears fairly normal, other than the typical lack of obstacles and endless waves of soldiers coming from the right side of the screen.
Strangely, the 'cave' on the right wall of the ascent has a black splotch drawn over it that wasn't there in the original game's graphics; a possible entrance to A:2? There are some graphical quirks in the latter half, such as a gap in the background tiles of the enemy camp, and the sky turning solid colours after the destructible building collapses.
Although barely visible, the backdrop of the final section in the ruins features an altered backdrop from the original game! In Metal Slug the beams of light shimmer; in Metal Slug X there are constant explosions in the distance.
A small snowy area, it looks like it would be part of Mission 2 in Metal Slug 3.
If the exit functioned, it would return you to the start of MS1's third mission.
The first part of Mission 6, but no obstacles and only one platform.
This would exit you at the sandbags at the enemy encampment.
A repeat of A:2, exit location and all.

Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3
Aha, a part of Mission 3 from MS3! (3:3 1-3) As you can see, there’s a prisoner there, and off the edge of the screen are some unobtainable weapons (they drop off the bottom of the screen), and once you scroll back, a Girida-O and a parachuting platform appear. The prisoner gives you an Armour Piercer.
It was also given serious remodeling in MS3. The palette was darkened, the platforms were redrawn, and those teeny tiny boxes were changed.
It has the same exit location as A:4
It’s Mission 5 from MS1! You start with a prisoner in front of you, who gives you an Armour Piercer, and after that, some weapons appear. In the order they appear:Another Armour Piercer, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Flame Shot, Laser Gun, and Enemy Chaser. Other than another tank on a parachuting platform, this level is fairly normal.
This stage has absolutely no alternate areas; it's the main stage and that's it!
Final Mission! There’s yet another Armour Piercer wielding prisoner here, and another tank, and other than falling through
the ground to reach the boat that is missing it’s turret gun, this level is fairly normal.