Area 4-1![]() ENEMIES: Boyoyon Baby x 2, Doronpa x 2 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Speed Up, Power Glove TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 5389 |
Area 4-2![]() ENEMIES: Doronpa x 2, Crazy Balloon x 2 ITEMS: Fire, Punch, Big Ice Cream TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 4080 |
Area 4-3![]() ENEMIES: Bobo x 2, Crazy Balloon x 2 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Push, Remote Control TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 2501 |
Area 4-4![]() ENEMIES: Bobo x 2, Esper x 2 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Speed Up, Bomb Kick, Power Glove TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 5736 |
Area 4-5![]() ENEMIES: Esper x 1, Psycho Man x 3 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Power Glove, Fireproof Jacket TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 3211 |
Area 4-6![]() ENEMIES: Dancing Clown x 4 ITEMS: Fire, Speed Up, Punch, Jelly TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 5589 |
Area 4-7![]() ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire, Speed Up, Bomb Kick, Remote Control, Select Item TIMER: n/a PASSWORD: 8902 Bazooka Bomber's bombs have a 5-tile range and his bazooka can be fired in a second, so be on your toes. Grab the Remote Control as soon as possible. Requires 5 hits to defeat. |
Area 4-8![]() TIMER: n/a PASSWORD: 0721 Centibeetle / センチビート has a few attacks: Spitting webs that slows you down. Circling its body parts around its head (which can knock bombs away). Assembling itself into a worm. To defeat the boss, you must blast its body parts until they all turn red; once all 6 segments are red, it is defeated. It is invincible when its head gem is red, however. Head requires 8 hits to defeat; each segment requires 3 hits. |
Boyoyon Baby / ボヨヨンベイビー: Wanders aimlessly. 100 points.
Doronpa / ドロンパ: Wanders aimlessly and can teleport. 400 points.
Crazy Balloon / : Can multiply itself. Becomes an egg after defeat. 200 points.
Bobo / ボーボー: Moves slowly, but when hit once will speed up drastically. Bomb again to kill. Becomes an egg after defeat. 800 points.
Esper / エスパー: Can detonate nearby bombs with meditation and remain unharmed. 400 points.
Psycho Man / サイコマン: Fires an optic blast that reverses your controls. Needs bombed twice. 400 points.
Dancing Clown / ダンシングピエロ: Can stun players momentarily with a projectile. Requires 2 hits to defeat. Becomes an egg after defeat. 400 points.
page last modified: 13/04/2015 |