Area 1-1![]() ENEMIES: Trikeradops x 4 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire, Speed Up, Time TIMER: 2:59 PASSWORD: 7352 |
Area 1-2![]() ENEMIES: Omajin x 4 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire, Power Glove, Cage TIMER: 2:59 PASSWORD: 8831 |
Area 1-3![]() ENEMIES: Trikeradops x 2, Omajin x 2 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire, Speed Up TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 7255 |
Area 1-4![]() ENEMIES: Uhho Genjin x 4, Uhho Hideout ITEMS: Bomb Up, Penetration Bomb, Punch, Time, Cage TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 5714 |
Area 1-5![]() ENEMIES: Uhho Genjin x 3, Dogun Jr. x 2, Uhho Hideout ITEMS: Fire, Heart, Cake TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 5289 |
Area 1-6![]() ENEMIES: Angora x 4 ITEMS: Bomb Up, Bomb Kick, Power Glove, Cage TIMER: 3:59 PASSWORD: 1352 |
Area 1-7![]() ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire, Speed Up, Bomb Kick, Push TIMER: n/a PASSWORD: 6892 Hammer Bomb has Penetration Bombs and can swing his flail to knock items out of you. However, he's fairly slow to react and doesn't move fast either. Requires 4 hits to defeat. 800 points. |
Area 1-8![]() TIMER: n/a PASSWORD: 6722 Dogun / ドグーン moves slowly down the lanes, and can not only crush you but also your bombs, so place them wisely. When bombed, he will shoot two flames onto the field which either speed aimlessly around or attempt to set you or your bombs alight. Be wary of placing bombs when flames are nearby, and it's best to outright avoid being behind the beast, as you'll likely lose track of yourself. Requires 9 hits to defeat. |
Trikeradops / トリケラドプス: Only changes direction upon hitting an obstacle. Becomes an egg after defeat. 100 points.
Omajin / 小魔神: Only changes direction upon hitting an obstacle, usually aiming for Bomberman. Occasionally stops in its tracks. 200 points.
Uhho Genjin / 原人ウッホ: Follows the player, but will stop periodically. 200 points.
Uhho Hideout / ウッホのアジト: Keeps regenerating dead Uhho until destroyed. Requires 8 hits to destroy. 800 points.
Dogun Jr. / ドグーンJr.: Kicks bombs away. Becomes an egg after defeat. No points.
Angora / アンゴラー: Can swim underground for a while. Becomes an egg after defeat. 400 points.
page last modified: 13/04/2015 |