Stage 3-1
ENEMIES: Pistol x 2, Rocky x 2, Magip
ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire Up, Speed Up, Geta, Egg
If you bomb all 4 sides of the large cactus, it will become a slot machine, containing
Fire Ups,
Power Gloves and
Remote Controls. Bomb the switches to make the reel stop. Get 3 in a row to win that item. This can be done as many times as you want, it seems.
Stage 3-2
ENEMIES: Pistol x 3, Rocky x 2, Magip
ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire Up, Bomb Kick
A train will periodically drive through from the top of the stage; it will detonate bombs, and getting hit by it is lethal. Enemies are unharmed by it. When it leaves, it takes 8 seconds for it to return.
Stage 3-3
ENEMIES: Rocky x 4, Magip x 2, Sasorin x 3,
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 2, Power Glove, Gum Bomb, Heart
This cactus slot machine contains
Bomb Ups,
Hearts and
Speed Ups.
Stage 3-4
ENEMIES: Rocky x 2, Sasorin x 3
ITEMS: Fire Up, Marble Bomb, Apple
Stage 3-5
ENEMIES: Batmen x 2, Mogumogu x 3
ITEMS: Speed Up, Power Bomb, 1UP
Stage 3-6
ENEMIES: Batmen x 4, Mogumogu x 7, Battle Grunt C
ITEMS: Remote Control, Penetration Bomb, Egg
Stage 3-7
ENEMIES: Mogumogu x 2, Battle Grunt C x 3, Pakupaku Tank x 3, Makamaka x 3
ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire Up, Bomb Pass, Fire Suit, Heart
The platform in the top-left corner can only be accessed by a level 2 or 3 Pink Tirra. The Heart item will
always be located there.
Stage 3-8
ENEMIES: Batmen x 5, Chamelon Tank, Makamaka x 4
ITEMS: Fire Up, Wall Pass, Ice Cream, Egg
BOSS: Rodeon /ロディオン
Rodeon is fought from a train carriage, and can only be harmed by hitting him with
cannonballs, by bombing the cannons.
While in the distance, Rodeon can use his six-shooter to blast at a gridded part of the floor, or swing 3 lasso rings in arcs. Both attacks can detonate your bombs.
If Rodeon approaches the carriage, he'll shake the ground, stunning Bomberman, and shoot 5 carrot missiles. The missiles can be bombed for 100 points each, butcan detonate your bombs.
Rodeon may also shoot a small rocket, which will create a hole in the carriage floor that cannot be walked across. More a nuisance than a threat.
6 hits to defeat.
Enemy names are unofficial.
Revolvanan / リボルバンバン: Slowly pursues Bomberman. Will shoot a bullet if Bomberman crosses its path; bullet will detonate bombs. Requires 2 hits to defeat. 500 points.
Rocky / ロッキー: Pursues Bomberman. Will detonate bombs with its axe, and survive. 400 points.
Magip / マジップ: Moves slowly and aimlessly. Can pass through soft blocks. Should Bomberman cross her path, will shoot a projectile and turn in his direction. 400 points.
Sasorin / サソリン: Moves erratically. 200 points.
Destroying it produces a small creature () that moves fast, but only changes direction upon hitting a wall. 100 points.
Batmen / バットメン: Moves aimlessly. Periodically stops and falls asleep. 200 points.
Mogumogu / モグモグ: Moves aimlessly, but will usually avoid Bomberman. Will periodically dig and move underground for 6 seconds, during which time it is invincible (and harmless). 300 points.
Grunt C / 戦闘尉C: Stationary; periodically shoots a bomb 4 tiles ahead of itself. The cannon can be used after it is defeated. 100 points.
Pakupaku Tank: Only change direction upon hitting a wall. Will eat any bombs they come across. Require 2 hits to defeat. 300 points.
Makamaka / マカマカ: A segmented creature with three sets of pegs (not pictured). Should any of the segments be destroyed, it will get angry and begin pursuing Bomberman faster and more ferociously. Bomb the head to defeat it. 300 points.