Bomberman World

Hyuuhyuu Star

"Hyuu" is the sound of wind whizzing past.

This world features tornadoes, which push Bomberman 4 tiles forward if he walks between them (what direction they push is listed in the stage data), and conveyor belts, shifting stand that carries Bomberman and his bombs in one direction; enemies cannot walk across them. This world also introduces moving platforms, which are necessary to reach areas isolated from the rest of the stage.

Area 2-1

ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire Up, Speed Up, Bomb Pass
ENEMIES: Zabuun x 2, Elekin Boy x 2, Core Mecha
TIME: 5:00

Area 2-2

ITEMS: Bomb Up x 2, Fire Up x 2, Power Glove, Time
ENEMIES: Zabuun, Typhoon x 2, Mamefuun
TIME: 5:00

You must ride a floating platform from the starting point to the main area; a Typhoon tends to patrol where you step off, so you may need to wait. The tornadoes will push you towards the centre of the area, while the shifting sand conveyor belts will push you towards the edges. Don't worry, you can't fall off.

Area 2-3

ITEMS: Bomb Up, Fire Up x 2, Wall Pass, Fireproof Suit
ENEMIES: Mamefuun x 2, Vulture, Sabotegoron x 2
TIME: 5:00

You must ride a floating platform from the lower-right corners to reach the lower sections. The tornadoes will push you to the opposite side of their platforms. The enemies can be particularly tenacious; the Sabetegorons can box you in right at the start of the level, and the lower Mamefuun can be dangerous once it begins using its tornado attack - plan several escape routes first before you get the crystals!

Area 2-4

TIME: 5:00

Cyclone Bomber (サイクロンボンバー) can lay bombs with a 4-tile blast radius. If a bomb is If she shares Bomberman's X/Y axis she will perform a tornado attack, firing projectiles in the four cardinal directions and turning into a cyclone for 4 seconds; during this state she is invulnerable and will push bombs aside on contact. If a bomb is placed too close to her she may rise into the air and teleport, during which time she can move bombs away, typically towards Bomberman.

The tornado attack is hard to avoid in close quarters, so keep moving. Her teleport takes over 5 seconds to play out, making it easy for her to run out the clock. However, you can see where she'll teleport to for a few seconds before she begins moving again; if you're in the right position, this is perfect for laying a bomb that'll detonate the moment she becomes vulnerable; be aware that she can walk through bombs, so you can't trap her. Luring her into teleporting without prompting her tornado attack is the tricky part, though. If you have the Bomb Kick or other bomb-moving power-up, use that to do the job.
Requires 4 hits to defeat.

Area 2-5

TIME: 5:00

Bassary (パッサリー) will typically move slowly and aimlessly around the arena, performing one of three attacks every few seconds.
Bassary will stop and eject its head, which bounces around for 5 seconds within 2 tiles of its body before reconnecting; both the body and the head can be attacked.
If Bassary stops and its head spins in place, it will fire 8 projectiles in cardinal and diagonal directions in a counter-clockwise motion, and then again in a clockwise motion.
If its body protrudes razor blades, it will pursue Bomberman for 10 seconds at a faster speed, equivalent to Bomberman's speed without Speed Ups.

The boss's collision box is hard to decipher from its sprite (approximately 3x3 tiles at the base of the wheel, and likely 5x5 with razor blazes), making it tricky to avoid it or fight from a safe distance without taking damage. The razor blade attack is very dangerous and extremely hard to outrun without Speed Ups; Bassary can only change direction every 2 tiles in this state, meaning if it begins the attack while between two hard blocks, it will move between the same two tiles so long as it doesn't touch the edge of the arena.
The projectiles are hard to see at a glance and aren't in line with its wheel, making it tricky to gauge where the safe zones are; unless you're confident, you're best keeping a huge distance between yourself and the boss. The head-bouncing attack is the most convenient time to spike it with bombs, though the head can still strike spots you might not expect, so be careful. Launcher Armor's ability to fire bombs 2 tiles ahead that instantly detonate can be useful, though its two extra health points are perhaps its most valuable when you're being chased by razor blades.
Requires 6 hits to defeat. Worth 10000 points.

Launcher Armor / ランチャアーマー

A blue mecha suit. Can survive one attack.
Normal ability: Fires two bombs forward that instantly detonate upon landing - they land 2 tiles ahead and 1 tile to the left and right. If you have no Bomb Ups, only one bomb will be fired.
Special ability: Fires four bombs forward in a square formation - two 2 tiles ahead and two 4 tiles ahead. If you have no Bomb Ups, only one bomb will be fired.

Zabuun (ザブーン): A little hominid made of water. Travels aimlessly. Every 3 seconds it dissolves into a puddle of water, during which state it can travel through soft blocks, before reforming. It cannot be harmed in its puddle state, but it can still damage Bomberman on contact. 400 points.
It names is mutation of "zabuzabu", onomatapeia for water splashing.

Elekin Boy (エレキンボーイ): A little horned creature in a cloud. Slowly circles Bomberman's position; if it sees him it will fire a projectile in his direction. 100 points.

Typhoon (タイフーン): An electric fan with eyes. Very slowly pursues Bomberman, but can only change direction every 4 tiles. If it sees Bomberman, it will stop and fire a projectile. 200 points.

Mamefuun (マメフーン): A tiny green blob. Travels slowly and aimlessly. If it sees Bomberman it will sprout a little tornado and pursue him at a faster speed, pushing away any bombs it collides with by 2 tiles; it will only disengage once Bomberman is 8 tiles away. 200 points.
"Mame" means "little", and "fuutto" (ふーっと) is a term for a little puff of wind, like a sigh.

Sabotegoron (サボデゴロン): A stack of 3 cacti. Moves aimlessly, only changing direction every 6 tiles. If Bomberman is within 3 tiles of it, it will pursue him at a faster speed for 7 seconds; if it is close enough Sabotegoron will stop and lay all of its segments forward in a line. Requires 3 hits to defeat; each hit will remove one of its three segments, reducing its attack range. 800 points.
Its name is a fusion of "saboten" (さぼてん) for cactus, and "goron", an onomatopoeic word for stretching your body out.

Vulture (バトラ): A vulture. Moves slowly, changing direction every 4 tiles. If Bomberman shares its X/Y axis it will speed up and pursue him for 7 seconds. It can pick up bombs, during which state it cannot be harmed, and drop them near Bomberman's position. 400 points.

Core Mecha (コアメカ): A roaming machine carrying a crystal. Moves incredibly slowly with no real direction. Drops a crystal when destroyed. 400 points.

page last modified: 08/03/2019