Bomberman '93

Zaurus Star

This area retains the warp pads, but also introduces bumpy tiles: bombs cannot be placed on these tiles, though bomb blasts will pass over them just fine.

C-1 (H)

[alien] x 3, [daruma] x 2
ITEM: Banana

C-2 (V)

[alien] x 3, [daruma] x 2, [boma]
ITEM: Bomb Kick

C-3 (H)

[alien] x 2, [daruma] x 2, [tree] x 2, [greenwing]
ITEM: Bomb Up

C-4 (H)

Bomberwan x 2, [alien] x 2, [boma], [tree], [greenwing]
ITEM: Clock / Apricot

C-5 (V)

[pass], Bomberwan x 2, [alien] x 2, [daruma] x 2, [greenwing]
ITEM: Speed Up

C-6 (V)

[pass] x 2, Bomberwan x 3, [daruma], [boma] x 2, [tree] x 2,
ITEM: Heart

C-7 (V)

[pass] x 2, Bomberwan x 3, [daruma] x 2, [tree], [greenwing]
ITEM: Wall Pass

C-8 (BOSS)

Pteranon / プテラノン will fly around the arena before landing above Bomberman's last position, breathing fire downwards, diagonally or to the side, whichever is closest to its target; these flames will erase any bomb in their path. This is the only period it can be hurt with bombs (though touching it will harm Bomberman).
After 2 hits it will spray 3 trails of fire at once; one in the direction it is facing and two diagonal to it.
Requires 5 hits to defeat.

Pass: Pursues Bomberman. 500 points.

Bomberwan / ボンバーワン: Pursues Bomberman; can only change direction every 5 tiles. Detonates when defeated with a 3-tile blast radius. 800 points.

[alien]: Moves slowly, can only change direction upon hitting an obstacle or if Bomberman is in close proximity. 800 points.

[daruma]: Pursues Bomberman, but can only change direction every 3 tiles. 500 points.

[boma]: Moves erratically; can pass through soft blocks. 400 points.

[tree]: Moves aimlessly, but will speed up and pursue Bomberman on sight. 800 points.

[greenwing] Moves slowly and aimlessly; can pass through soft blocks. Will speed up and pursue Bomberman on sight. 400 points.

page last modified: 14/05/2015