This area introduces warp pads, which will transport Bomberman to the opposite pad when stepped on.

Ballom x 3, Banbo
ITEM: Fire Up

Ballom x 2, Banbo x 2
ITEM: Heart
B-3 (H)

Ballom, Banbo x 2, [flower] x 2
ITEM: Bomb Kick
B-4 (V)

Ballom, Banbo, [flower] x 2, Pass, [moth]
ITEM: Bomb Up
B-5 (V)

Banbo x 2, [flower] x 2, Pass, [bird] x 2, Bomberwan
ITEM: Remote Control
B-6 (H)

Ballom, Banbo x 2, [flower] x 2, Pass x 2, [moth], [bird], Bomberwan
ITEM: Bomb Pass
B-7 (V)

Ballom, Banbo x 3, [flower] x 2, Pass x 2, [moth] x 2, [bird], Bomberwan x 2
Zankokuran / ザンコクラン begins the stage as a shroud of foliage floating above the arena; it cannot be harmed in this state, nor can it harm you. Spawns three waves of [flower]s; 4 in the first wave, 3 in the second, 2 in the third. Defeating the second wave will reveal its true form.
Now on land, it moves with no real direction, stopping frequently to spin 4 flower petals around itself before launching them in four directions (either straight or diagonally).
3 hits, it will begin using 8 petals, launching them in all eight directions. It will erase any bombs it steps on.
5 hits to defeat. 20000 points.
Ballom / バロム: Moves slowly, only changes direction upon hitting an obstacle. Will pursue Bomberman temporarily at close-range, turning at every junction. 800 points.
Banbo / バンボ: Moves erratically. Requires 2 hits to defeat. 400 points.
[flower]: Moves erratically, chaning direction every 3 tiles. 400 points.
Pass: Pursues Bomberman. 500 points.
[moth]: Moves aimlessly; can pass through soft blocks. 100 points.
[bird] Moves fast and erratically; can pass through soft blocks. 200 points.
Bomberwan / ボンバーワン: Pursues Bomberman; can only change direction every 5 tiles. Detonates when defeated with a 3-tile blast radius. 800 points.