A manga by Takeshi Tamai (玉井たけし), serialised in Shogakukan's children's magazines from April 1998 [src] to March 2000 [src] (varying runs across five magazines! see reference!); it rebranded itself to Bakushoden V on March 1999. "Bakusho" (爆笑) means "burst of laughter"; you could translate it as "Baku-gag-den" if you wanted to be punny (and if you didn't bother translating the word "Bakugaiden" itself, but I digress).
A gag comic based off the BB-Daman Bakugaiden anime, using its settings and characters for stupid one-off stories. stories are largely self-contained with little regard for continuity or accuracy to the source material. The second and third books were rebranded as BB-Daman Bakushoden V (Bビーダマン爆笑伝V), though besides introducing its new characters and mecha, the formula remained as irreverent as ever.
The series was collected in three volumes in Japan and Taiwan. A partial English translation (spanning the first twelve chapters of Bakushoden V) can be found at Porink's Hideout.
1 | 悪の使者!? ドラーケン現る!! An Emissary of Evil?! Draken Appears!! |
9 | キラカードで大バトル Shiny Card Battle |
2 | ピクニックて大パニック Epic Picnic Panic |
10 | グランプリをねらえ! Go for the Grand Prix! |
3 | めざせ! ビータロンで大金持ち | 11 | 恐怖のかくれんぼ Hide and Seek Panic |
4 | もみてボンの野望 Momitebom's Ambition |
12 | 三体合体で最強!? The Trio Combiner!? |
5 | 竜宮城で大あばれ Rumble in the Ryugujyo |
13 | 合体秘猛特訓! Top Secret Training! |
6 | 仁義なき女の戦い Battles Without Women's Honor |
14 | サンタが、ビータシティにやってきだ!? Santa's here in B-Da City!? |
7 | ねらえ! 純金トロフィー Shoot for the Gold Trophy! |
15 | 新年! お年玉でおめでボン |
8 | ビータ山の激闘 Clash at B-Da Mountain |
16 | 熱血! これが男の友情だ |
17 | 合体成功!最強せイン卜ドラゴン Combine: Success! The Mighty Saint Dragon |
18 | たあせ! デビル三銃士!! | 38 | 残暑がまん大会!! |
19 | ビーダコップ参上!! Here Come the B-DaCops!! |
39 | 記憶喪失しろボン |
20 | あかボンコップ誕生!! Aobon Cop Debuts!! |
40 | 恐怖のきもだめし!! |
21 | 博物館の秘宝を寺れ! | 41 | 水中バトル! デビルポセイドン!! |
22 | かんばれカーゴイエーカー!! Go For it, Cargo Jaeger! |
42 | 王様きいろボン King Kiirobom |
23 | うはえ! クリスモコド!! | 43 | 超能力で宇宙征服~!? |
24 | 古代世界て大激闘!! | 44 | 最終決戦のゆくえは…!? |
25 | 怪盗しろボン小僧 | 45 | デビルスリンガー登場!! |
26 | 最強!? アクマント!! | 46 | クリスブルードの超パワー!! |
27 | きいろボンの荷物をねらえ! | 47 | ねらわれたあかボン!? |
28 | あかボンのヒミツ | 48 | 燃えろ! 大運動会 |
29 | 合体! ジークホワイター | 49 | 月見の夜は大バトル! |
30 | 敷か味方か!? ナゾのくろボン | 50 | 秋祭り、夜店でボン |
31 | 西部の町で荒野の決闘!! | 51 | 最強! クリスホワイター!! |
32 | しろボンVSくろボン Shirobom Vs. Kurobom |
52 | ウェイブレットと寒中水泳!? |
33 | みどりボンにおまかせ!! | 53 | クリスモコドに願いを |
34 | 熱血! ベースボール大会!! | 54 | わくわく 温泉旅行へGO! |
35 | 空中対決! デビルホーネット!! Aerial Battle! Devil Hornet!! |
55 | サンタボンのプレゼント Santa Bom's Present |
36 | 危機一髪! 海辺のワナ!! | 56 | 大そうじて大騒ぎ!! |
37 | オーガビットでパワーアップ!! Power Up with Augerbit!! |
57 | くろボンと遊ぼう!! Let's Play with Kurobom!! |
Published under Shogakukan's Tentōmushi Comics (てんとう虫コミックス) banner. All volumes feature a character introduction at the start. These volumes were later exported to Indonesia by m&c!
Title (Japanese)Bビーダマン爆笑伝 1
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Pages174 PublisherShogakukan (小学館)
ISBN-10409149451X (Japan) ISBN-13978-4091494511 (Japan) Published11 November 1998 (Japan) |
![]() (src: Buku Desa Seni) |
Reprints episodes #1 to #17. View it on MEGA!
Title (Japanese)Bビーダマン爆笑伝V 1
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Pages172 PublisherShogakukan (小学館)
ISBN-104091494528 (Japan) ISBN-13978-4091494528 (Japan) Published25 July 1999 (Japan) |
![]() (src: Comic Fever Store) |
Reprints episodes #18 to #36. View it on MEGA!
Title (Japanese)Bビーダマン爆笑伝V 2
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Pages174 PublisherShogakukan (小学館)
ISBN-104091494536 (Japan) ISBN-13978-4091494535 (Japan) Published25 January 2000 (Japan) |
![]() (src: Comic Fever Store) |
Reprints episodes #37 to #57. View it on MEGA!
A resource for Japanese monthly digest magazines, and includes the contents of nearly every issue of Shogakukan's kids magazines. The manga's serialised runs in each magazine was too long to put in the opening paragraph!
Shogaku Ichinensei (小学一年生):
April 1998 [src] to
March 1999 [src].
Shogaku Ninensei (小学二年生):
October 1998 [src] to
March 2000 [src].
Shogaku Sannensei (小学三年生):
November 1998 [src] to
March 2000 [src].
Shogaku Shinensei (小学四年生):
April 1998 [src] to
March 2000 [src].
Shogaku Gonensei (小学五年生):
May 1999 [src] to
October 1999 [src].
page last modified: 10/05/2018 |