I watched In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale today. It's a Uwe Boll film. I enjoyed it. HAS THE WORLD BEEN DESTROYED YET
(then again I liked House of the Dead so I think I've made it clear I'm not known for my taste)
Well, it's a fantasy movie, based off a PC game I was completely oblivious to until I looked at the box. A simple farmer (Jason Statham!), some guy (Will Sanderson!) and another guy (Ron Perlman!) start off with a bit of revenge about some monsters (people in suits!) destroying their village, meeting forest people (invincible ninja chicks!), getting the trust of the king (Burt Reynolds!) and his kingdom after some mucking about, while the king's nephew (the guy who played Shaggy in the Scooby Doo movies!) wants kingship for himself and thus is allied with an evil wizard guy (somebody!) who becomes king of the monsters and there's lots and lots of fighting!
The plot? ... well...
It's a two hour long movie, yet the pacing and editing is just all over the place. The movie rarely follows a clean path - it's constantly darting back and forth through the affairs of the many characters, and even simple scene transitions seem to be a struggle. It cuts to a new scene when it looks like someone is going to say a few more words, and a "time passes" montage is done as the screen fading to black several times, rather than the more typical fading-to-a-new-cut technique. Dramatic scenes coming to a close never have a moment to breathe before it goes somewhere else, and it seems to be darting hither and thither to cram in as much as it can. And then, suddenly, usually in a dramatic scene that ends up coming across as a bit corny, it drags on and on when you feel it could wrap up in just a few lines. There's never much time for development, and heck, who the hell Will Sanderson was was never explained to me, while Ron Perlman's character, the one who at least had some mild personality and a little tiny bit of knowing who he was gets unceremoniously killed off at the second act and is said to have come to a "courageous end." The invincible forest ninja chicks don't take well to the male heroes and dick about with them, but when a female one shows up later they're happy to kill off some mooks for her and capture the treacherous nephew, and then later on decide to help the male heroes in fighting the wizard guy, and... they just help him cross a pit. In a really, really logic-defying manner. And that's it. The climax is three wars going on in three places; monster attack on the mountains, monster attack in the woods, and the farmer fighting the wizard man. Defeating the wizard man stops the mind control that's fuelling the other two fights, but after that, we see a brief shot of sunlight being restored to the land, the farmer kissing his wife, and ROLL CREDITS. Fuck epilogues!
I didn't look at them all, but it looks like there's a lot of extended and deleted scenes, though just watching the movie makes that abundantly clear. The nephew is "taken to justice" when the farmer is made king and disappears for the rest of the film (which is a crying shame, since he's the largest ham in the whole flick. The wizard bad guy simply can't compare to the buttery goodness that is Jeremy Irons' input to the Dungeons & Dragons movie), but the deleted scene shows one of the king's generals (who I don't think gets named!) stabbing him in the back. Apparently the Blu-Ray release has the full uncut version of the film, but, well, screw that. Release it that one on DVD you dickasses.
There really is so much you can complain about the movie's story. The sloppy editing, the wonky motivations, the idiot ball moments, the simple fact that you're never given a chance to know half the characters... but it's the result of a film being hastily cut. I can barely consider myself a good critic - or even a critic at all, for that matter - by how when I want to like something but am well aware of its flaws, I end up saying "it could have been good!" and giving reasons why. Mario vs. Donkey Kong had a great engine, it just needed gameplay that was less formulaic and not a disgrace to its predecessor. Transformers season 3 needed a better way to segue in the whole new setting rather "all your favourite characters are dead, and everyone new is depressing as all hell to be around." Super Paper Mario just needed to stop fucking around and give me a platform game. In The Name Of The King had the groundwork of a movie that, well, was unlikely to appeal to many people, but it's got people being set on fire and completely ridiculous martial arts skills employed by a lowly farmer for no other explained reason besides "prophecy material!", and all it needed to make me happy was to realise it was silly or try and not cut out half the plot.
Ron Perlman did say he signed on for the sole purpose of buying his wife shoes, so that lightens things up.
Today's observation: I just noticed that I have a hard time realising William Shatner and Tom Jones are different people. I mean, they're in totally different professions, their names have nothing in common and as far as I can tell, Tom had nothing to do with Star Trek. But when I think of their names, I have to make myself go "oh, they're not the same person." I... don't know how or why I think this.
It could be worse. I mistook Tom Jones for Frank Sinatra when writing this, and upon reading he died in 1998 I realised I had no idea who I was thinking of anymore. I'm mostly familiar with what Tom looks like by his cameo on The Simpsons.
Hooray! I have a recording thing that lets me view TV channels on my PC, but I got it for recording VHS tapes and game footage!
Well, it does work; it just requires swiping a laptop because there's no way I can make the leads reach from the computer to the TV, and then it's got like a humongous delay from what's really happening; like, thirty seconds after I press Start on the title screen to Maximo vs. Army of Zin will it respond, and it only allows for the video composite lead, so there's no sound. Le sigh.
It's a Dazzle TV Hybrid Stick made by Pinnacle, if anyone would be so kind to HELP HELP HEEEEEEEELP then that would be great, although as always, incredibly unlikely.
300 is the official Double Dragon: The Movie.
Seriously. A bunch of guys (let's imagine Double Dragon was a MMO-brawler for a second) set out to march across the land/city for the purpose of reclaiming freedom/a woman, and you can tell the people they fight are evil because they're freaks. Plus the story quite explicitly goes battle ► exposition ► battle ► exposition and there's lots of emphasis on blood and gore, which of course makes it clear it's getting an M by the ESRB and is therefore MEGA HARDCORE.
Just like Double Dragon, it's also remarkably forgettable.
The visual work is incredible, and the overall design of the characters, especially the "freaks," is decent. Lots of great imagery, burly head slashing and all that. The whole mighty whiteys vs. freaks thing never sat well with me, though I guess it was at least more blatantly silly and abstract than the initial mighty whiteys vs. black guys. But still, just like 10,000 BC, it was a semi-entertaining two hours, but I could barely remember a thing about it afterwards and there was no real impression left on me. I would say it'd be forgotten in a few years. ... well, that's what I would've thought were it nor the movie being a year or two old by now and like a million bloody memes based off it. Seriously guys, "THIS IS SPARTA" wasn't that great.
At least Double Dragon has Abobo.
As you may have been
told from Galvatron's updates, I ordered a Universe Onslaught a while
back and got Powerglide instead. Still, it was £16, so I could easily sell it
for profit to make up for it, right? Well, ol' PG's like £12 on Amazon now with
free postage, making him cheaper than a goddamned deluxe figure. There goes
those plans, eh? So I've decided to open him up.
When Onslaught and Powerglide were first revealed, I had the reverse feelings.
Onslaught looked bad and Powerglide looked great; Onslaught was pictured in all
these awful squatty poses that, quite frankly, don't look good for a battle side
commander, while Powerglide looked fan-dabby-dosey with his James Bond gun pose.
Now... he's just a bit ugly looking. Then I got Onslaught and was wowed, and
Powerglide just leaves me disappointed.
It's a great vehicle mode, and I don't really have any faults about it. It's a
lot better looking and detailed than the attempt at an A-10 Thunderbolt II in
the Energon line with Sky Shadow and Terradive, though I forgot to compare it to
Cybertron Wing Saber. It's definitely the nicest looking one, though, with a
clean palette and wonderful detailing, plus a more coherent shape.
The robot mode, however... it's not really Powerglide. The head and the wings
are the closest it gets, plus the little moulded heart in his chest, but
otherwise this looks like a different fellow altogether. I appreciate the
attempt to fold up his wings, both to mimic the original toy and because Wing
Saber and the Energon dudes don't even bother adjust their own, meaning Wing
Saber has an unnecessary horizontal girth in robot mode - but they simply don't
connect well. You've got a tiny ridge in a cramped space, and how the
transformation works means a bit of the back covers the sound button, meaning
after owning the fiddling with the figure for a mere twenty minutes I'm already
sick of the damn sounds. Nobody really likes the "exhaust boobs," and I admit
they wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the glowy light-up side showing. Every time
it lights up, I'm reminded of a line from Red Dwarf. "I'm so excited, all
six of my nipples are tingling!"
Also, the exhaust boobs are... interesting, but they add a fair bit of girth to
the torso, and that, combined with the sound box, seems a bit much given the
comparatively weedy legs. See this pose? I have no idea how I achieved it with
him still maintaining his balance. I move the figure closer to the TV to prop
him up, but it looks like it managed to balance itself without that precaution.
Still, it's a very narrow waist, and the legs just aren't chunky enough to
handle the weight, I feel. If they'd made the boobs into a backpack and slimmed
the torso, I think they could've made it work, but as it is he looks like a
muscular guy who's done nothing but upper body exercises and left his legs as
scrawny as a baby's. The fact his arms are pretty small doesn't help matters.
I will say, I commend it for being "cleaner" than Wing Saber and Terradive. The
latter has asymmetrical feet, hands that barely work and the wingspan can't be
tidied away, while Wing Saber also has the long immobile wingspan, his whole
nosecone as a backpack and way, way too much weaponry to be stored neatly on his
robot mode. Powerglide, for all his flaws, tidies away the kibble quite nicely,
with only a strip of the top of the jet on his back. I can't say I'd recommend
paying full price for it, though. If it were voyager-sized and stripped of the
sound box, I think the balance problem wouldn't be such a hassle, but here we
In unrelated news...
(it seems to view our back garden as it's property, as I've seen it out there like six times over two weeks, if not more. Vegas isn't too happy with it parading around, of course.)
I just realised: What is considered James Belushi's greatest or most popular film? Like, the one everyone will remember him for once he's gone? When Heath Ledger died people say he went out on a high note as the Joker in Dark Knight, which I agree with, especially since I'd only seen him in A Knight's Tale before. James, meanwhile, the only movie of his I've seen is K-9.
So while people will remember Heath as playing a cunning, manipulative, almost society-destroying madman, I'll remember James as a guy who poured his heart out to a dog he thought was dead.
That must be embarrassing.
Look, ITV shows the film like fifteen times a year, so it's kind of ground into my psyche by this point.
I hate answer sites.
Yahoo! Answers, Answerbag, the lot of them. I HATE THOSE MEECES TO PIECES
The problem lies in the simple fact that they rely on a points system. You ask a question, you use points, and you can't ask no more until you answer questions, which get you points. Thus, people want lots of points so it shows they're knowledgeable yet can ask questions if they please and just for the huge e-wang part of it.
On paper, it works. In reality, you get people answering questions they haven't bothered to read, or have no idea what they're talking about.
Take this one. It's a problem I'm currently having, as I'm looking for a way I can get stuff that goes on the A/V channels of my TV to play on the PC for recording purposes, but I'm not having a fun time finding a simple solution; there's USB TV tuners which don't seem to do A/V, there's TV tuner cards that seem a bit wacky; there's recording stuff on VHS via SCART lead sharing and then getting that to the PC, and there's VGA boxes, which seem like a simple solution, even if I have no idea how exactly they connect to the PC. If it's a simple case of plugging SCART leads into it, and then it plugs into the USB port, that's super, I like it; but I'm doubtful it works that way. I hear it needs to go in via a VGA port, but I don't think I have that; either that or my monitor uses it, and I think it's an LCD screen so I wouldn't know how well it'd all work, and I NEED AN ADULT
(well, someone who's more adult-like than me. I spent today organising toys with my dad, after all.)
The thing is, I want to know every dirty little detail about VGA boxes and the methods of getting A/V stuff onto a TV, so I know which is the easiest and/or cheapest way of going about it. That question is nice and broad enough to fit me as well, and for such a detailed question, I was expecting long, detailed answers.
Instead the answers are misinterpreting the question entirely and "look in the manual." Helpful stuff!
Another question involved looking for art by someone who, like all the hip people on the internet, removed it all without explanation. Every site he'd posted on had it removed, and there were quite literally no remains unless you saved it before. Not to mention you kind of had to know what he was talking about to understand the question, so it should've garnered a group effort to recover it or something.
"Best advice: Google it. Do a little internet searching!" Thank you, Cavalier Obvious. I can't imagine anyone actually using Yahoo! Answers unless they've researched it first, unless they're asking a question that's little more than a conversation.
The internet makes me cranky.
(because that's a wall portrait, y'see)
(of a comic book cover)
(for nerrrrrds)
I watched Rambo III, so all I've left is the new one and I'll have watched the whole series!
As I said, Rambo II was an okay action flick, but the characters were so flat they could very well have replaced Rambo and Trautman with other dudes and no one would notice. Rambo III takes the action of the second movie, mixes it up with the reminder what Rambo's a little more than someone who holds a gun like in the first movie, throws it some action from Trautman himself and some crazy tank vs. helicopter action, and it really makes up for the mediocre previous movie.
The blurb made it sound a bit hilarious, though, with Rambo becoming a monk, but the kidnapping of Trautman by the goddamned Russians on Arabian soil is enough to make him stand up and start busting heads, and after he's freed him and other prisoners, the two of them go on a rampage. With lots of explosions. It's not much, but it's good enough for me!
It's a bit hard to describe without sounding stupid, but there's just a lot of minor things added that really make a large difference over the second movie, and bring a bit of character back to the film. Rambo stitches himself up again and despite a large amount of shots focusing on a woman during the battle plan scene, he doesn't get into another forced and awkward relationship, thankfully. Trautman is said to have trained Rambo and worked with him and the others in the Vietnam war, of course, but it's only now that we see him do more than a bit of radio communication and politics, so to see him blow some guys away with machinegun fire with the man he trained to be a killing machine works really well. Plus there's some friendships formed with the Arabian rebels, which just makes Rambo look human again, rather than the guy who does stuff and gets a bit enraged over a gratuitous death of a female; not to mention it gets some great scenery porn of the country. Beautiful stuff. The kid soldier seemed quite pointless, though; he's given a bit of exposition that his family's dead and he may act like a kid, but "he fights like a man," yet he's never seen firing a shot once in the movie, and ends up shot in the leg and needs carried out of the Russian fortress. He survives, but he just seemed rather pointless, and the movie would have been entirely unchanged without him.
It still doesn't top the first movie, and I can't imagine the fourth or the supposedly upcoming fifth movie will, but it's a better effort than the second movie.
A quick tape and tissue modification and I now have access to burned games on my PS2. What does this mean?
The videos don't make enough of a point how terrible the gameplay is. I'm serious.
People have compared it to Dynasty Warriors, but all I can really compare it to is a 3D Streets of Rage. You're boxed in, and although you've got a bit of freeway (since it only fits five enemies, one player and two allies) there's a constant fear of getting cornered, as if an enemy starts clobbering you, you can't really stop it. You can block, which against one opponent is okay, but once two of them do it you can only hope for a miracle to escape unharmed. The Armada game focused more on exploration and shooting, while this is practically all fisticuffs; you can use a firearm, but it's slow, weak, and while you're focusing on someone another enemy is all too likely to creep up and punch you full of holes. Transformation is all but pointless, since it takes so long to go to car mode and back again that whatever you were escaping from has probably caught up again. It really is dreadful.
The story scenes are the redeeming part, though, thanks to the downright silly dialogue and voice acting, and how it frequently stops to try explain why video game logic is, shock horror, being applied to a video game! Optimus stops and spends two minutes talking about how there's invisible walls stopping their progress until all the enemies are defeated, and Wheeljack has to sit down and explain how proximity mines work. Despite this, you're never told why you're fighting three copies of Dirge at the same time.
The sad thing is, apparently the story is kind of interesting, and it hasn't been fully documented online from the looks of things. That sounds like a tempting offer.
And I also played Metal Slug 6 all the way through for the first time. I did very badly. 20 continues, 71 prisoners and in 45 minutes. Not at all cool, though I wasn't too impressed with the game, either. It just seemed that if any one alien was on-screen then something out there was going to kill you, no matter how miniscule. Oh, this mouth thing has it's mouth open, I AM SOMEHOW KILLED. Can I hop away from this rolling monster? NO THE COLLISION BOX IS TOO BIG. And quite frequently, the game doesn't give you a "Go!" symbol when, you know, you can progress to the next screen. In the older games this was no big whoop, but considering practically everything likes to make an entrance that will kill you with collision, it's a major hassle. On one instance, I was waiting around for at least ten seconds with nothing happening, so I assumed it was safe to progress further. Instead I got killed by five rolling monsters. It's the little things like that that make a big difference, y'know? Plus it just didn't really seem like a Metal Slug game. With the awful new sounds and the wonky setting, it kind of felt like a fan-game. An expensively produced fan-game, perhaps, but it just didn't have much quality to it. Then again, it may just be my surly nature lately. I presume I may warm up to it after a few more play-throughs.
I fear getting burned games on the PS2 has merely opened a world of pain.
I watched First Blood a few nights ago, and today watched Rambo: First Blood II. What did I think?
Well, First Blood (which I'll just call Rambo from now on because the branding situation with that series is all kinds of wack) was a great movie, personally. A Vietnam veteran trying to go back to regular society and not being appreciated there, and goes on a rampage against well-intentioned extremists who just want to restore the peace. An insultingly simplistic summary, yes, but it's got both lots of action and there's the whole social commentary thing of trying to reintegrate into society after such events; plus the simple thrill of seeing Vietnam techniques being used in your average American countryside against bumbling cops. Great film.
Rambo 2? Well, a Vietnam veteran is taken out of prison and... brought back to Vietnam. Riveting stuff.
I admit as soon as I saw James Cameron's credit for the screenplay, I knew I wouldn't be watching a Rambo movie, but just an action flick.
It's a okay action flick. It's very clichéd, what with the mandatory vague love interest and the Communist bastards, and it's a pretty slow first hour, but the last half an hour is great once the woman gets killed off unceremoniously and Rambo goes insane in a helicopter. Rambo 1 had soul, see. John Rambo in the first film was a person with a history, a person with problems; he was human, and scarred, y'know? In the second movie he's just this guy who does stuff, and you could very well replace him with someone else and no one would be the wiser.
As I said, the first movie has both sides with decent intentions and setting a soldier in quiet suburbia, and there's just a heart and soul to the film. The sequel just drops everything that made the first one so interesting and unique in the first place. Which is a bummer, really, but I imagine they'd drained all they could of the original subject, plus story-wise it wouldn't make much sense. Still, a brainless yet enjoyable hour and a half, and it did inspire the totally wacked-out NES game.
Having finished Pac-Man World, I've moved onto what I originally wanted to play in the first place - Guardian's Crusade! It's basically one of those beginner RPGs with a simplistic storyline and zero challenge, meaning it's the basic shell of an RPG but with none of the parts that may actually make it endearing. It's one of many PlayStation games I bought, played a bit, and never actually completed or made much progress on.
The story... isn't a big issue, really. A stork carrying a monster baby is attacked, dropped it in a small town where a boy named Knight is sent around doing errands for people for no apparent reason, and takes the baby monster (called Baby, funnily enough) as a partner. There's some prophecy about returning the monster to its mother or else everything dies and something about getting to God's Tower, but it's hard to pay attention to it for long when you're constantly being roped into inane tasks for complete strangers.
Your first task is to deliver a letter to the mayor of another town (a town of Cyclopes!), enquiring about what they should do since both of their crops aren't growing well. He gets a response along the lines of "you're just crazy." Then you get the monster, get told the prophecy by some dude in a pillar of light and the mayor tells to ditch it in a cave, which requires walking all the way there and back again. Then you go to sleep, have a flashback to the prophecy (which involves watching it all over again) and decide to go back and get the monster again, which involves walking there again, and then going through the cave. Then you run into a bunch of goblins who want you to kill a mushroom monster that's eating all their food supplies (but apparently they wanted to cook it and eat it, so it's more just a case of assholish revenge, but not once does the game suggest the goblins should've thought better; everyone says "it deserves to die" in those exact words, and nothing more), then you have to walk through more rooms with no enemies, and just when you think you can go back to your average adventure with the monster, you have to beat up a cockatrice because the monster ate its eggs, and then you get rescued by a merchant who gets held hostage by a guy who wants you to fight for him in a battle to become mayor and then you have to go to a harbour to get a ship but the aforementioned merchant bought the last ticket so you have to get a ticket from the town's governor by finding a jewel in a desert town but to get through the gate you've got to deliver something to another person from somebody who thinks you're somebody else at the gate and I LOST ALL PATIENCE.
It begins off relatively understandable. Delivering a letter for the mayor; well, you're the only teenager in your town, so no probs. I loathe prophecies and how cheaply they can drive a story, but given the destruction of "everyone and everything you love," I can get behind the change of mind. With a hostage, even if it is someone you barely know, I can forgive the fight. But the complete stranger mistaking you for someone else and demanding you deliver something for him by not only going back the way you came through two screens of perilous desert and marsh, but to a town you haven't been to before, just so you can please this cranky, senile old coot? Your fairy partner even explicitly says it would be best to take care of this inane chore first before fulfilling the stupid prophecy. I was hoping to maybe actually make it far in the game before giving up, or perhaps even finishing it, but with this kind of idiotic bullshit going on, I'm thinking I may have better things to do with my time. It didn't help that the cockatrice was the first enemy in the game that required more than three hits to beat.
Will I ever enjoy an RPG again in my life?
As you're probably very, very aware, I'm not very good at updating! I'm a constant self-nagger who's never happy with anything I do and keep thinking "wait, is this funny? Is this entertaining? Is this what the people want?" But I suppose I should realise that people never email me so until they do their opinion can be shoved into the way of a steamroller for all I care. I have lots of ideas for things to write about or cover, but I think it's mostly the "is this worth going on the internet?" factor that's turning me away from them. Then again, someone with a stretchy anus became popular so I suppose I can only do better. In other subjects, y'know. I'm pretty content keeping my rectum to myself.
Whether I'll actually hold onto this belief is another matter, though!
(regarding putting up more whatever, not the stuff about that guy's bum)
So I've been watching lots of Red Dwarf lately. Well, lots of British comedy in general, really. I watched both series of The Thin Blue Line back in November or December, and thought it was a good lark; nothing special, nothing fancy, but it's just silly fun of double entendres and camp jokes and how many variations you can get out of the phrase "my arse is on the line." However, it usually had two stories running together at the same time, making quite good usage of the half hour running time per episode, so when I went back to Red Dwarf, it suddenly felt much more primitive. A five-man cast of what was essentially flat characters (endearing flat characters!) and monster-of-the-week stories. Still, I'm just a big ol' nerd so I like it anyway.
However, I think series 2 had the formula running well. Again, it could just be my unexplained love for downer stories, but having just three guys and a computer in space with no other explained life out there, trying to make the most of it despite their general stupidity and animosity between each other, it gave a kind of bittersweet vibe, despite the cracks about "wormdo." The episode Thanks For The Memory is all about Lister breaking Rimmer's heart through a good-intentioned death-day present, which is one aspect, and the other, ditched very early on, is how they believe they had a real alien encounter that broke their legs and erased their memories, is another, and it's done really well, I believe. The moon with the giant, sole footprint and the gravestone to Lister's old girlfriend, it adds this surreal mystery to what becomes a quite comprehensible circumstance afterwards. There's fear, mystery and intrigue going on, and a very definite feeling that if they were alone in the universe, that was depressing, but if they weren't, that was frightening. Then the series after had a time hole, a shape shifting mood-stealing alien and a homicidal mechanoid, and it went on from there. Finding Kryten's ship in series 2 was a surprise, both because dude, something alive! and also because dude, three women! Then it didn't take long before "there's a ship on the radar" was a common phrase and it just seemed to stumble from every little remnant of life in the universe to another, and all that life wanted to kill them.
Plus, while Kryten livened up the cast with him becoming a regular in series 3, it also stripped the show of a bit of mystery. Previously there was Lister, a self-proclaimed space bum; Rimmer, a man with illusions of grandeur, sophistication and intelligence but lacking all of those things; The Cat, who... well, had the mind of a cat, and Holly, the computer with an IQ of 6,000 but suffering from computer senility and just generally not the brightest bulb in the basket anyway. A stasis leak is called a "magic door," the Holly Hop Drive's ability to travel through dimensions is given no exposition, and pretty much anything that needed an infodump was done so in a simplistic manner. They had this technology on their ship, but none of them really knew much about it, let alone the rest of the universe. Mystery. Then Kryten could effectively allow anything to explained with relative ease, despite effectively being a robot maid. Kryten's a fun character and definitely added a better dynamic between them all in series 3 onwards, but after that it just seemed all the knowledge of the universe was at their disposal, and with it, the mystery of being in deep space with god-knows-what in there was replaced with "how many ways can we work a monster into the plot?" I'm probably sounding like a mega jerk here, but I like Red Dwarf a lot, and although I haven't seen the first series or any of the ones beyond 6, they've all been pretty fun. I think it's just I also love some depressing fiction, and being marooned in deep space millions of years in the future and far, far away from Earth with only a bunch of jerks for company sounds like good fodder for sombre storylines.
It could also be how the theme used for the Observation Deck is great and I love it. Whatever happened to that place?
I began playing Pac-Man World a couple of days ago and finished it today with 70% completion. It's a decent game, but the ending is weird and the bosses seem to have a really inconsistent flow regarding their difficulty, since the second one is the frigging hardest in the game (FOURTEEN LIVES IT TOOK) while the last is... maybe not easiest, but remarkably underwhelming.
I spent New Year's Eve playing Mario Kart, eating KFC and watching Roadkill. I also can't remember anything if there was anything special that happened to me in 2008 to justify thinking over what all happened in it to say "I hope this kind of stuff continues into 2009." MY LIFE IS SO HOLLOW