Bomberman World

Battle Game

Battle mode plays like you'd expect: defeat the other players to be the last Bomberman standing!

Battle Royale Mode (バトルロイヤルモード) is the default option, and is split into two options: Single Match, a free-for-all; or Tag Match, where players are split into two teams, allowing for 1 to 4 members on one team.

Options include:
COM Level: Determines difficulty of computer opponents, from Easy (よわい), Normal (ふつう) to Hard (つよい).
Battle: How many victories are required to win. From 1 to 5.
Time: How long each round will last. From 1 minute to 5 minutes, or infinite.
Sudden Death / サドンデス: If set to ON, the hard blocks at Sudden Death will fill the entire arena. If set to OFF, they will only fill up until the arena is a 9x7 grid.
Misobon / みそボン (Bad Bomber): If set to ON, defeated players can resume play by throwing in bombs from the borders of the arena. If set to Super (スーパー), a sidelined player will re-enter the arena if they defeat an opponent.
Spark Bomber / スパークボンバー: If set to ON, the match victor will play a mini-game to win an item, and carry that item to all rounds of the next match. This option is unavailable in Tag Match.

When the timer reaches 1 minute (or 30 seconds if the timer is set to 1 minute), the game will enter Sudden Death and hard blocks will begin filling the arena from the top-left in a clockwise motion, until only a 9x7 arena is left in the centre; players caught beneath a hard block are instantly killed. If the Sudden Death option is set to On, blocks fill up all the way to the centre.

Maniac Mode (マニアックモー ド)

This mode is distinct from Battle Royale, and gives you access to the Item Select (アイテムセレクト) and Handicap (ハンディキャップ) options.

Item Select allows you to choose what items appear in the stage, and how many of them - there are 60 slots in total, and you can set one item to appear up to 9 times. Items that don't typically appear in Battle Game are included, such as the Bomb Pass and Wall Pass.

Handicap lets you supply each player with hit points (the equivalent of a Heart) at the start of a round, from 1 to 5.

You cannot select a stage in this mode, and can only play on the Standard arena.

You can select from one of eight characters. When chosen by a human player, the choice is purely cosmetic. When controlled by the CPU, the character subtly determines some of their behaviour during matches... at least, according to the colourful manual descriptions.

Bomber Akindo / ボンバーアキンド (Merchant Bomberman)


A Bomber who focuses on collecting items.

Bomber Witch / ボンバーウィッチ


A Bomber with a whimsical attitude, often intentionally collecting Skull items.

Bomber Fairy / ボンバーフェアリー


An inconspicuous-looking Bomber, but deadly when fought in close quarters.

Bomber Hero / ボンバーヒーロー


A warrior who attacks the instant an enemy approaches. An aggressive fighter.

Bomber Ninja / ボンバーニンジャ


A Bomber who specialises in throwing bombs, a technique to constrain enemy movement.

Bomber Bishop / ボンバービショップ

いつも画面をウロウロしている。 きまぐれな行動をする僧侶ボンバー。

A Bomber with an unclear agenda, always wandering the arena.

Bomber Monk / ボンバーモンク


A martial artist who excels in bomb kicking and flashy attacks.

Item information is gleaned from the Bomberman World Official Guidebook. Common traps include:

Arrow / 矢印: Redirects kicked bombs in the direction it's facing.

Rotating arrow / 回転矢印: Redirects kicked bombs in the direction it's facing. Changes direction in a clockwise pattern every second.

Loop point / ルーブ通路: Pathways that loop around to the opposite of the screen; this includes players, explosions and kicked bombs, though it may vary depending on the arena.

Some stages featuring elevated platforms; these are typically accessed by a spring or warp hole. These platforms are not effected by Misobon / Bad Bomber players, or by the hard blocks during Sudden Death.

No unique traps or gimmickry.

Battle Group 1: Default. Soft blocks are present.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 6, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 2, Power Glove, Punch, Push, Line Bomb, Skull x 3

Battle Group 2: No soft blocks. All players begin with 2 Bomb Ups, 1 Speed Up, Full Fire, Push, Punch, Power Glove, and Bomb Kick.
ITEMS: n/a

Battle Group 3: All players start in the centre.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 6, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 3, Bomb Kick x 2, Line Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 4: The arena is walled off into top and bottom halves, with only a one-tile passage between the two.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Skull x 2

Features loop points.
Turnstile / 回転扉: A gumball gate. Walk into it to push through, rotating the door. The door can block explosions. It cannot move if a bomb, player or soft block is obstructing its rotation.

Battle Group 1: Default. A loop point connects the top and bottom of the screen. 4 turnstiles surround the centre.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up, Power Glove x 3, Punch x 3, Skull x 3

Battle Group 2: The entire left and right 'walls' are loop points, and the middle is mostly walled off.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 4, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: Two vertical loop points, and the turnstiles can wall off areas with ease.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Punch x 4, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 4: It's identical to Battle Group 3, except there's two less hard blocks. Wow!
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 1, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Foliage / 茂み: Reduces visibility, obscuring whatever is beneath it.

Battle Group 1: Default. Four kick arrows leading clockwise around the inner circle.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 4, Push x 2, Line Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 2: The four corners are hidden in foliage, and two rotating kick arrows are at the top and bottom; they change direction every second in a clockwise pattern.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 4, Push x 4, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: No soft blocks. All players begin with 2 Bomb Ups, 2 Fire Ups, 1 Speed Up, Bomb Kick and Push.
ITEMS: n/a

Battle Group 4: Minimal foliage. Two rotating kick arrows are near the centre.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 4, Push x 2, Skull x 2

Trapdoor / 落とし天: Teleports the player to the next trapdoor; they always travel clockwise. Bombs kicked, punched, or laid on top of a trapdoor will also be teleported, launching 3 tiles out of them.

Battle Group 1: Default. Features a moving 7x3 platform, accessed via the bottom-left trapdoor.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 2: Trapdoors.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 2, Punch x 2, Push x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: Arrows.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 8, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 3, Bomb Kick x 6, Power Bomb x 2, SKull x 2

Battle Group 4: Rotating arrows.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up, Full Fire, Bomb Kick x 6, Power Bomb, Skull x 2

This arena features loop points, though it is unique in that they lead out the diagonal-opposite side; entering the top-right will take you to the bottom-left. Bomb explosions cannot pass through.

Minecart / トロッコ: A mine cart that follows a track; players are completely invincible inside the minecart. When in motion, the minecart will destroy everything it touches, harming opponents, erasing items, and detonating bombs. Pressing the switch will toggle two of the track's paths.

Battle Group 1: Default. The mine cart track leads nearly in a circle.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 4, Push x 2, Line Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 2: The mine cart track leads in a C-shape.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 4, Punch x 2, Push x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: The mine cart cannot cross the centre of the arena.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 4, Push x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 4: The mine cart can potentially cross everywhere but the very middle of the arena.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 4, Skull x 2

Cracked floor / ひび割れ床: A cracked floor tile. If stepped on twice, it will crack, forming a hole that cannot be crossed and will block bomb explosions.

Snowball / 雪玉: If a bomb is placed right against it, it will roll to the bottom of the screen after the bomb detonates. Any player caught in its path will be harmed.

Dakadaka Block / ガタガ夕ブロック: A green hardblock that can be moved by bombing it; it can only be moved in the direction of the arrows on its top. It cannot move if a bomb, soft block or player is in the way.

Warp Hole / ワーブホール: Teleports anyone who enters it to its opposite end, and back again. Bombs can be placed or Punched on top of them, but will not be teleported. cracked ice that becomes a hole after being stepped on, and cannot be crossed.

Battle Group 1: Default. Features a moving 7x3 platform that is accessed by a warp hole.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 4, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 2: All players start on the 13x3 floating platform; the Warp Holes teleport to the warp above or below it.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 4, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: Four patches of cracked ice are near the corners, and three snowballs.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Push x 2, Line Bomb x 2, Power Bomb, Full Fire, Skull x 2

Battle Group 4: The players start in the centre, surrounded by a moveable ring of Dakadaka Blocks.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Duct / ダクト: Pipes will funnel explosions in one end and out the other; see maps for which ducts are connected.

Spring: Bounces players to the floating platform.

Battle Group 1: Default. Features a moving 7x3 platform and six ducts; the horizontal pipes lead out the ones directly above them.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 6, Speed Up x 2, Punch x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 2: Features a floating 13x3 platform and eight ducts; the ducts below lead out the ones above, and vice versa.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 6, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: The outer-most ducts lead inwards, while the inner-most ducts fire outward.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 2, Punch x 2, Push x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 4: The eight ducts lead out their diagonal opposite, barring the centre two.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 6, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick, Punch, Push, Full Fire, Power Bomb, Skull

Features loop points.
Speed change / スピード変更: Numbered floor tiles will change a player's speed accordingly when stepped on; 1 is the slowest, 5 is the fastest.

Stop sign / 一時停止: Stepping on a yellow warning sign will freeze the player for 2 seconds.

This arena is unique in that it only has one soft block, which is guaranteed to drop an item when destroyed. The block will instantly respawns once its item has been collected.

Battle Group 1: Default. One horizontal loop point is open.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 6, Fire Up x 6, Full Fire, Power Glove, Punch, Power Bomb, Line Bomb, Skull

Battle Group 2: No soft blocks, all players start with 2 Bomb Ups, 2 Fire Ups, 1 Speed Up and a Bomb Kick. Both horizontal loop points are open. The outer ring of arrows travel counter-clockwise.
ITEMS: n/a

Battle Group 3: The vertical loop point is open.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Full Fire, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Power Bomb, Skull x 2

Battle Group 4: Both horizontal loop points are open. The inner ring can only be entered from the bottom without touching a Speed Change panel.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Full Fire, Bomb Kick x 2, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Push x 2, Power Bomb, Skull x 2

Features loop points. Bomb explosions will not pass through them in this arena.
Shifting sand / 流砂: Conveyor belts. Their direction can be changed by pressing the stone button.

Antlion den / アリ地獄: Warp holes or teleporters; only transports players, not bombs.

Battle Group 1: Default. The shifting sands travel in opposite directions.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 5, Fire Up x 5, Speed Up, Bomb Kick x 2, Punch x 2, Line Bomb, Power Bomb, Skull x 3

Battle Group 2: By default, the shifting sand travels clockwise.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 6, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Bomb Kick x 2, Punch x 2, Power Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 3: The shifting sands travel clockwise in a square, bisected between the various loop points.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Power Bomb, Skull

Battle Group 4: There are two shifting sands bisected between loop points; a counter-clockwise path on the left and right sides, and a clockwise path on the top and bottom.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up, Bomb Kick, Power Glove, Punch, Boyoyon Bomb, Power Bomb, Line Bomb, Skull

Seesaw / シーソー: Seesaws can launch bombs and players if two objects are on either end, be it a player or a bomb; whatever is on first will be launched 5 tiles in the opposite direction.

Battle Group 1: Default.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 2, Boyoyon Bomb x 2, Skull x 2

Battle Group 2: Adds four rotating arrows.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up, Bomb Kick, Power Glove x 2, Power Bomb, Boyoyon Bomb, Skull

Battle Group 3: No soft blocks. All players begin with 2 Bomb Ups, 2 Fire Ups, 2 Speed Ups, Power Glove and Boyoyon Bombs.
ITEMS: n/a

Battle Group 4: Adds two rotating arrows. No soft blocks. All players begin with 2 Bomb Ups, 2 Speed Ups, 1 Fire Up, Bomb Kick and Power Glove.
ITEMS: n/a

Ocean current / 海流: Whirlwinds that will push the player away towards the centre of the arena. COM opponents tend to get stuck walking into these repeatedly.

Water fountain / 噴水: Jets of water that, if stepped on, will launch a player 4 tiles in the direction they choose.
Bomb explosions cannot pass through either of these objects.

Battle Group 1: Default.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 6, Speed Up x 4, Power Glove x 2, Punch x 2, Push x 2, Skull x 2

Bomb box / ポムボックス: A black block marked with a skull. If it's struck by a bomb explosion, the detonation fuse / 導火線: will ignite into flame, killing any player standing on it.

Battle Group 1: Default.
ITEMS: Bomb Up x 4, Fire Up x 4, Speed Up x 2, Power Glove x 2, Push x 2, Skull x 2

When Spark Bomber is set to ON, the match victor will play a mini-game to win an item to carry into the next match.

The goal is to reach the exit within 30 seconds without touching the walls. The path will jutter up and down, making vertical movement somewhat unpredictable. The path will get narrower, and even feature a clockwise-spinning turnstile before the goal zone.

Touching the wall or running out of time will end the mini-game, awarding the item pictured in the background of your current position. In order, you may get a Geta, Speed Up, Fire Up, Bomb Up, Punch, Power Glove, Bomb Kick, or a Heart.

page last modified: 28/10/2019