(find new stuff by searching for [NEW]) (hurf)
Here's the rubbish I cook up when I'm not feigning intelligence and resort to stretching unfunny jokes as far as I can. For reals.
| namesake nonsense | rockin' tunes | serious doodlings |
Where the regular stuff happens.
[the awful truth]
It also doesn't help that all my large figures are kept in the roof's storage space.
More frightening than Hostel! And I haven't even seen Hostel!
[terrible realisation]
This is why I prefer drawing freaks rather than humans that end up looking like freaks.
[MS Paint]
Ashura was saying how birds outside his house sounded like they were chanting "Timmy Timmy Timmy". So I said to be wary in case they start chanting "redrum redrum redrum" or "SWALLOW YOUR SOUL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL". Then he said what to do if they started singing music. I suggested sticking them on a car as a surround sound system. And so.
It's almost like something you'd see in Faithmouse.
(apparently Faithmouse links back to whoever links to them. So I'm linked there. How embarrassing?)
It sure makes looking at Paris Hilton a whole different matter. Or whoever the internet has decided to ogle over this week.
Yes, he helps the overweight, but when will he set out to assist the working man?
Our gracious host, looking very thoughtful.
That boy rocker.
I admit I took a lot of artistic license with this one.
Yeah, no idea why the Victorian era. I can explain why Blaze is smoking a duck, though.
"I think the previous commenters suck duck. Dick* I mean. ;("
Your lingual mishap is immortalised forever, Alvina! And mine could've been too if I didn't remember your name. I keep
calling you Alaska. =(
It is impossible to replicate his eyes with the standard paintbrush tool. IMPOSSIBLE. So I made up for that by putting him in an Egg-O-Matic, though at the expense of his chin. =(
Meant to be a self-portrait of sorts but I somehow turned myself into a pseudo-furry emo troll thing. I got my hair just about accurate, though.
Attempt two, where I look less like a dropout from furry league and more like a sad stereotypical Mexican Animal Crossing guy.
I think this is the most accurate so far at the time of writing. Mainly because I shaved when I drew it.
Now with facial hair and accurate legs! Chin is off-model, though.
I just seem to draw moustache hairs on myself even though I don't have any.
Drawn at the workplace. How fitting!
I think I lose track of what I look like sometimes.
Why not?
Steve, with a summary of himself in picture form that fits him like a picture glove.
Some serious artistic license going on here.
My ideal lifestyle. Although I'd look less like Groucho Marx on a bad day. And my tank would actually look like one.
So many animes could have benefited from this. Sadly, I'm about twenty years too late to have saved the world.
[grim reality]
Your dreams of hitting it big will never come true, people.
[what do you think]
It's as if millions of potential ideas suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
I love this picture! Seriously, look at it! It's a crocodile man in a speedo, with an unusually happy face, and a leg that's out of proportion with the other. My finest work.
[this took twenty minutes to draw]
I think this is just taking unfair advantage of my occasional hits from Japanese search engine results.
Looks like a relative of
this fella.
And dance he shall!
Dragon Ball Z isn't my thing.
HEY LOOK OUT: really old, so I actually have a physical representation that isn't a yellow face. :x
Galvatron requested this, though Chromedome was my addition. I can't help but find Rodimus' feeble attempts to grab his head hilarious.
I am a crime to humanity.
And ready for prime time!
The bastard!
Is clearly ready to go.
Well, mostly. Cromartie High School is excluded from both the premise and
The gruesome reality we all live in.
NEVER FORGET (that one lawsuit where two fat teens sued mcdonalds)
Fatty Comic Relief returns from the Lost comic for some booty shakin'.
[grim reality]
Independent thought is just waiting to be banned.
With a jet pack powered by HIS COOL
A moustache that DUAL WIELDS PISTOLS
It speaks FOR ITSELF.
For only Ł9999.43, you can hire me to make your boxarts five thousand times better! (though making the game better is out of everybody's price league)
Nobody cares about the owner of a trash can. Especially ones whose trash
contains perfectly edible cooked meals.
[revelation that the world is ruined]
That's why I stick to English. I struggle enough with it already!
I'm serious, every single GameSpot video review either has an enthusiastic
bearded fat dude or some guy who looks and sounds bored out of his mind. I have
no problem with enthusiastic bearded fat dudes, but it's rather worrying when
almost all the reviewers are those type of people.
I'd like to see that happen.
[alternate reality]
Screw the big bang, THIS is what all those crazy banter people should argue
about: The mystical powers of that grill.
[life-changing question]
Really old, but it's still fitting.
[static music video]
For a Sonic Vegemite topic of potatoes versus vegemite.
[moral lesson]
Those gangs always be hassling me.
True story.
Birthday illustration for Galvatron. He suggested the druggy should've
been singing "I Believe I Can Fly."
"this is better than a new bike and galvatron II put together"
aw shucks :]
also no mistery admirer i'm not 42 but i will be once i go back thirty years in my time machine lol
[a statement just waiting to be contested]
A Hollywood mastermind in action.
Oh nooooo~!
Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Steve Irwin mock Adolf Hitler's fetish.
Who's surprised?
That guy from 300 and Napoleon share an intimate meal.
A penis joke. I'm ashamed. =(
The director's cut has the victory rocking
so hard that the events time travel forward to July 4th and the explosions look
like fireworks. And it's recorded in Mothra-vision.
I thought it was funny. =(
A self portrait. =)
[something i've had on my desktop for way too long and i don't know why it was
there in the first place]
Uh, yeah.
(No, the figure was in that condition when I got it.)
Political satire? You tell me.
[i don't know what i'm doing anymore]
His crimes should be obvious.
Life lessons.
I attempt to make a joke on a kind of joke that's been turned into it's own joke and has ceased being a joke while mine lacks a punch line joke.
If you treat flowers as life and kind of ignore the Holocaust, you could say
that flowers are really the worst treated minorities.
(I think I'm going to hell again)
Lampposts just aren't rooted into the ground like they used to be.
[new discovery]
It eats babies. =0
Lost is hyped lots. I attempt to watch. I fail to enjoy, not just because of it being boring, but because how much hype surrounds the damn thing. I draw this. I attempt to watch Lost again. I fail. Again. =(
I think this was supposed to be a jab at male celebrities and what dicks they
are, or the male population in general, I don't know.
And here's the second version. It DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE to the previous one. =(
[a future in which I have no regard for mankind by having a son]
He's got my eyebrows and my dickheadedness. Goodness knows how he got both.
I wish I knew what the hell I was thinking with this picture.
[battle of the opinions]
Well, versus the stupid part. If there's a smart part, that is (ZING)
[a bastardisation]
It can't be worse than House of the Dead, though.
[once graced the General Writings page for four friggin' years]
A mouthy pimp!
[once graced the General Writings page for four friggin' years]
A camping trip!
[once graced the General Writings page for four friggin' years]
A hobo-hating man!
[once graced the
General Writings page for four friggin' years]
Vulgar adult talkings! (what's new)
[once graced the General Writings page for four friggin' years]
A man who tries too hard!
[once graced the General Writings page for four friggin' years]
The best of!
[once graced the General Writings page for four friggin' years]
A dysfunctional family!
Essential reading for anyone who dares dip their toe into understanding the series' convoluted narrative.
Opinions. IN IMAGE FORM.
Based off a true story!
Part of a long-running series of odd movies.
[video game of the century]
I think I was originally going to have an actual joke in there, but I don't know what happened.
I'm not sure if this is Sonic or some other generic Sonic-style hedgehog, but he has a gut and a moustache.
I prefer the original, really.
Less of a chameleon and more of a martini drinking, boombox listening snake with sunglasses.
Actually the result of being asked "what's your fetish?", but I won't hold that against Beattie.
Despite everything in Beattie's gorilla, such as the Pokéball for a hand and two sets of ears, the moustached foot just steals the show.
Pandas are pretty boring, so to improve it Beattie had to entirely change it. For shame?
There aren't many ways to improve a penguin, so I need forty top notch
philosophers to assist me on this.
Beattie's list of awesome animal appearance additions.
The most realistic view into my riveting life ever.
[horrible realisation]
Ironically, I actually bought very few boxed toys, but it's hard to get buried under shoddy bootleg action figures.
An award-winning in-depth documentary into the life of a sniper.
Fun with console names without the use of urination or ding dongs!
[the official realisation that i don't use the hoaxes page anymore]
I'm on the bandwagon!
[best announced in the same manner as the Pepsiman ads]
Ignore the logical fallacy that panthers don't have manes and bask in his heroism.
[shocking reality]
And that's why slow news days were invented.
But the real question is, do we care?
[public service announcement]
If you want me to imitate a style used by anyone else...
I watched that episode of Transformers twice and still can't exactly wrap my head around it. So it exploded.
[shocking truth]
Oh, the lost businesses of our country. I don't even know if textiles require computers, though.
deviantART is weird. I can't say it enough.
Everyone's favourite article of clothing!
[potential game idea]
Your homies would be walruses.
That's the internet for ya!
[thought-provoking picture]
[life-changing picture]
[fun fact providing picture]
Got it eventually. :]
[internet fetish in the making]
I think I just invented another internet fetish.
That would make the series so much better.
[public service announcement]
There's that and the fact it gives four error messages before I can change a plug-in.
You'd think seeing McDonalds characters as deranged convicts as boxers would make your life complete, but I'm let down.
[the horrible truth]
I wish I knew how to forgive and forget. I
still cringe at things I did decades ago, like stealing five pence from a fat
kid and thinking I was rich.
[the unsatisfying fact]
I also wish I knew what a balanced lifestyle was.
[deviantART facts]
If this place was called Variable Vaginas I would so be in Cosmopolitan or whatever it is those artsy farts read.
Accurate summary of a real event.
Based on a blog entry of a friend of mine.
Look at him go!
The stuff of nightmares.
[moral lesson]
It'd be even worse if someone else made the meal.
Drawn just for the good folk over at The Rare Witch Project.
Female celebrities in a nutshell.
You know who I blame for this? deviantART.
[movie summary]
All you need to know about Snakes on a Plane.
I honestly can't remember where I got the idea for this.
Seriously guys, learn to exterminate first and ask questions later. You're
living jokes, now.
There was a news report about a bunch of Koreans who couldn't leave their computers, so some people made some highly advanced way of turning them away from their computers. Here's the simple way: Burn the damn thing and laugh at them.
Look at him go!
So somebody from the Metal Slug Database made a crappy-looking
cover to a book I never read, and I felt it was lacking any resemblance
of awesome. And then I read this
and realised how the original cover is so much more fitting and mine should
become a Hollywood blockbuster.
Spamusement fan-comic, featuring an RPG
guy (JONNM!) fighting a hideous layer of blubber that is OBSITY. Subject line by
Sweet Tasting Jonas.
And just a heads up that I take my subject lines really literally, meaning
facial expressions are mostly the only redeeming value.
A kinky e-mail address wins paper with zoomed-in text from a gorilla-armed game show host.
My humour never changes.
Screw actually looking for a suitable lady companion, just pick one up at the Lady Selection!
Pink tank top = homosexual.
Life lessons for any popular celebrity: Go outside.
Subject line found by some guy at their forums, cputrdoc. Zany robots don't make good gifts.
Love them expressions.
Computer fetishists. :x
Those Australian cork hats never did look fashionable, did they?
Modern day miracles never go as planned.
Sweet Tasting Jonas's subject line is a recipe for disaster for this two in their game of charades. =0
Expressions and oddities.
More expressions.
I'm not a soup man, so I've no idea if it comes in cans. I'm so uninformed.
Obscure nerd joke.
Subject line by techstar25. Two fat teens and
some kinda space bug, trapped in a small shower. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.
It was either that or a stained wall, but I think bandages are funnier.
Those things should be keychain sized for safety.
Only in some definitions.
In a tank.
Look at him shimmy and shake!
[public service announcement]
This is what happens when you don't rock hard enough to kill a man.
I hate change!
[a lesson in reality]
A sad tale of idealism versus bringing home the bacon. Also... yeah. Don't call me on that third panel.
[rage anger]
You can blame Link's Awakening for this. The dungeons bored and frustrated me!
How could you not trust a face, oversized ear and claw hand like that?
"Screw the Earth's core funking up, this is scary shit."
[shocking revelation]
He looks down on us all and he does not approve of your aimbotting.
I meant to try and make this into some kind of joke, but honestly, it works just as it is.
Seriously, why do they bother with chosen ones? They still win, yes, but only
after whining and bitching about it and being terrible as chosen ones. Why not
just see if people are good at saving the world and use them?
[real comic]
The sad thing is that I like Rob Liefeld's stuff, even if my reason is simply
for it being totally, completely absurd.
Explaining why the place is rarely updated
outside of Sundays and why I need some fashion tips!
An accurate summary of the breath-taking sequel to that one movie.
[moral lesson]
When someone lets you kill a man, do you make use of the offer? Food for
Seriously, they don't make horses for moody people.
[internet commentary on the internet]
Jumping onto any bandwagon is hip!
[alternate reality]
What thoseparamilitary groups would gain by car bombing a giant truck
and a sports car is beyond me, but it sure is fun to draw Mirage exploding
You can create wordart, but not words? INCOMPREHENSIBLE
I was talking to WDot, and he showed me some some online game, Nexiuz or
something, and there was a screenshot of some downright ugly marine. Here's a
recreation of said screenshot.
[probably the best idea I've ever had]
It'd be like Jason X, except I need to actually watch the Friday The 13th movies to make some kind of witty comment comparing the two.
More internet for ya!
[public service announcement]
This took me forty minutes to do. In that time I could've simply told you and complete Super Mario Land twice. At the same
time, of course. Multi-tasking.
[true story]
Seriously, don't doubt me, I'M A REAL DEAL
Honestly, why has nobody thought of making spray-on heat?
(made on the 10th of December 2007, so if someone makes it I HAVE REASON TO SUE)
[the sad truth]
In my defence, I was waiting for someone to exit the toilets and it's not like there's much conversation to be had in that situation.
Food for thought.
Wherein DJ Sam rocks your goddamned face off.
DJ Sam's debut song in his self-titled debut album, made with SUPER COMPRESSION and music samples found on some site I forget!
[lyrics, fo reals]
DJ Sam's successful second single, with guest rapper Big Fatty supplying additional vocals.
[lyrics. fo sho]
DJ Sam gets down with his sad self. Music kind of stolen and edited from here. Actual gangster activity for once!
[lyrics, fo certain]
Just like Slim Shady, DJ Sam's secret identity gets his own album. Took him long enough to say a swear.
[lyrics, fo nickel]
And stuff that isn't meant to a joke or offensive goes here.
[MS Paint]
Mostly an excuse to do some more foreshortening. I love how my definition of "mech detailing" amounts to just scribbling lines and other crap.
I took a lot of artistic license here. He's not that muscular. Nor is he often shirtless. And he never looks that
angry. Okay, this is my dad in beard only.
[penned, touched up in MS Paint]
He could very well have a complex and variable personality, but just the sight of him makes me think "grumpy bastard."
[MS Paint]
Some goblin salesman guy. Guess which one didn't have an image reference for the hands!
[MS Paint]
Ain't nothing more. The green one is Energon Sky Shadow, btw.
[MS Paint]
Do I ever draw faces that aren't depressed, sinister or unhinged? I'm particularly enamoured with mafia don Mario.
[MS Paint]
Quality control has left the building!
[MS Paint]
Getting all scribble style.
[MS Paint]
This is simultaneously the worst drawing I've made of this character, and also the best. Discuss.
Well, discuss anything but the shading, really. I WAS NOT MADE TO COMPREHEND SUCH A CONCEPT
[MS Paint]
Originally drawn
to make a scene of the slow Crabbot holding up traffic, the Sniper Armour among them, but it looked crap. Plus, as always, the coloured version doesn't even compare to the black and white.
[MS Paint]
Special director's cut version of what I whipped up for RQ87's fan fiction. Also, original images for any completists out there.
[MS Paint]
Yeah, don't ask me. His tongue looks as confused as you and me.
Effeminate poses make everything more freaky ass. And on rare occasions, mofo-ier.
[MS Paint]
THE FACE knows what you do at night.
[penned, touched up in MS Paint]
Turns out I accidentally put the classic Robotnik is AoStH clothes, rather than the type he actually wore in the games. Whoops?
[penned, touched up in MS Paint]
Enough to do a celebratory "whoop whoop."
[MS Paint]
He's a likeable little bastard.
[MS Paint]
He's a little giraffe crane tank thing with the cutest non-existent head ever. I totally forgot his chest guns, though.
[MS Paint]
I tried a new way of outline and colouring. It's a bit crap.
[MS Paint]
Mostly an excuse to test out colouring and shading without putting much effort into it, but I think for those to work it needs more detail. Bulbous eyes and featureless faces do not good shading make.
[MS Paint]
Mostly moustached faces. Amusing story - the Rambo look-alike was originally meant to be Ryu, but someone commented "hey, cool Rambo!" and I was too much of a puss to accept the fact it was a crap Ryu, so off went the gi and on went the bullet belt.
[MS Paint]
Mostly bald, angry faces. I quite like the tiny dwarf, the two hat-wearing folk at the bottom left and the angry avian.
[MS Paint]
Mostly oddly proportioned faces. The moustached top hat guy was just yet another random doodle with the aforementioned elements I love, but someone commented it looks like the Monopoly guy. That didn't really change my direction, mind you, just thought I'd say.
[MS Paint]
Some bodies this time! I wanted the t-rex to ride a surfboard but I can't draw an oval to save my life.
[MS Paint]
December to February was a particular period of plentiful free time. I put some mild effort into the top hat dude's shading - it's a pity that it's completely impractical looking.